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我现在University of Leicester 就读,关于各种申请及生活问题,愿为大家提供一些信息。My course is MSc Finance (finished). Now I am studying International Commercial Law

Leicester最强的3个专业:基因,航天和法律。 前两个都在全英top 3 中, 法律不出top 10。 Leicester 中国人的比例不算太恐怕。

The academic atmosphere at Leicester is nice. It is reported University of Leicester is one of the biggest postgraduate provision institutions. The current registered students at Leicester are more than 16,000, and nearly 70% are postgraduates.

The Financial Times University league table consistently places Leicester amongst the UK's group of twenty leading universities.

The University of Leicester has eighty years' experience of delivering high quality degree courses and undertaking pioneering research.

18 subject areas have been graded as 'Excellent' by the Quality Assurance Agency – including 14 successive scores of 22 points or above, six of which were maximum scores. No other University can match this unbroken run of success.

The University's teaching & research excellence places us in the UK's top 20 Universities according to The Sunday Times League Tables

Leicester is the UK's leading provider of taught postgraduate education. In 2003 The Financial Times placed at Leicester at the head of “a league of their own” for our provision.

In the latest Research Assessment Exercise (2001), the University gained 13 grades of 5 and 5* and 84% of staff were rated as conducting research of national or international standard

The University houses Europe’s biggest academic centre for space research, and is a founding partner of the £52 million National Space Centre Millennium Project. Leicester is Mission Control for the UK’s first space mission to another planet – the Beagle2 Mars Probe.

Leicester is a thriving student city. During term time over 10% of Leicester's population are students

The University's first students were admitted in 1921, studying for University of London external degrees, and a Royal Charter was awarded in 1957.


International/Overseas Tuition Fees

International and Channel Island/Isle of Man students are required to pay the relevant tuition fee for the course. The fee can be paid in one lump sum for the year at the start of the Autumn term or in three equal instalments by the following payment methods

1. By cheque or bank draft
2. By bank transfer from your home country
3. By credit/debit card
4. By direct debit from a UK bank account

Tuition fees are due at registration (in full or the 1st instalment). For tuition fees paid in full by Registration there is a discount of £140.00. Students awarded a University Scholarship or Bursary will have the amount of this deducted from the full tuition fee but remain eligible for the £140 discount for payment by registration.

Fees for full-time undergraduate students in 2002/2003 are as follows:

Home students resident in Leicester (all courses) 1100 pound
Home students on year abroad/placement year (all courses) 540 pound;
Home students classified as ‘existing’ and self financing from the commencement of their course 824pound; * (* subject to approval)

Overseas students:
(a) Arts 7470pound;
(b) Science 9450 pound; (returning students only)
(c) Clinical 18,285 pound;

Fees for day-time part-time students in 2002-2003 are charged by module and have yet to be determined.There are no tuition fees for Home students taking a year abroad on an ERASMUS/SOCRATES exchange.

可以申请两个以上的专业,准备好材料就可以。所谓轻松一点的可能也是depends on, 这个很难一概而论啊。

个人认为可以考虑mass communication和marketing, 虽然和计算机不太搭界,但是相对会稍稍轻松一点,而且Leicester的计算机也不太好。另外有一个推荐是management, 是management centre的,可以考虑,我朋友就是从计算机转这个专业的。EE不错,商科也有分院系。经济系的非常不错,排名很好啊,难度也颇高。 marketing隶属管理系,客观的说,排名一般,课程倒也是不错的。

Leicester的语言课程分Course A,B,C,D。其中A最长,约一年,主要是为语言基础较为薄弱的同学开设;D最短,大约是2个月,主要着眼于专业课程的学习预备。语言课程的录取主要是根据你的雅思成绩,但是至少要在4.5以上。



2,通过两次6个小时的笔试。我们的考试是将所有科目合在一起考,是case study,就是说每次6个小时的考试中包括4门课程的知识;

在学习过程中会有group work,要求小组讨论后完成同一个题目;还会有group presentation,每个group给全部同学作presentation,一个个上,每人讲3分钟左右,呵呵,听众不少哦,会有200左右。

Leicester的Law School是比较有名的,也是这个学校的门面专业之一哦,全英排名是不错的,有说是top 10。有ma in law. applied accounting 似乎对law的申请帮助有限,几乎没有相关的课程内容。


finance的课程设置不是banking 方向的,但是也不是完全财务,比较综合。包括:Accounting Analysis, Financial Modelling, Risk Management,Corporate Finance, International Finance, Financial Strategy, Public Finance 等等.


上语言时一般被安排在freemen,离学校最近的一个住宿,价格也便宜。最好的当然是今年才投入使用的opal court,全新的,80镑一周,上网费100一年。其他宿舍只有拨号上网,自己买卡付费。学校的所有机房都可以免费上网。

Salisbury 是个特别一点的宿舍,它是由私人住宅改建的,规模不大,所住学生数量没有Nixon,Freemen 和 Opal集中,还有一些是double room. 所以它的格局就更接近居民住宅,而不太像想象中的学生宿舍,呵呵,不过也不错的,其实内部的条件并无二致。


我个人住外面private house 近12个月,住学校宿舍3个月,都有体验,各有利弊,我个人觉得在外面住也蛮舒心的。

2,距离学校平均都不算远,Mary Gee除外;

住外面:(我的住宿距离学校12分钟,35per week)


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