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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-23 字体: [ ]

Part I Listening


Section A


1.D The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing.


2.C Hand in the ring to the security office.


3.B Buy her own computer.


4.D The man advises his daughter to think carefully before make her decision.


5.A The cinema is some distance away from where they are.
6.A He’s been to Seattle many times.


7.C Manager and office worker.


8.B She thinks the lecture might be informative.


9.C A college campus.


10.D The man is unwilling to take a look at the house for sale.



Section B


11.D Electricity.


12.A Air traffic conditions.


13.B Carry little luggage.


14.C At a country fair.


15.A Avoid eating any food.


16.B Behind his back.


17.B Eating from the outside toward the middle.


18.A Beauty.


19.C It was though a blood vessel in that finger led directly to the heart.


20.B The two people can learn about each other’s likes and dislikes.




Part II Reading


21. C It will reduce the nation’s oil imports.


22. A believes that drilling for oil in ANWR will produce high yields.


23. B It can do little to solve U.S. energy problems.


24. C Don’t be too optimistic.


25. A remains a controversial issue.




26. B The words people use can influence their behavior.


27. D treat their rivals as enemies.


28. D He wet his gloves by rubbing them across his T-shirt.


29. A deliberately throw the ball at anyone illegally blocking their way.


30. C changing the attitude of players on the sports field.




31. B the claims made by products are often unclear or deceiving.


32. D still don’t know the exact impact of different products on the environment.


33. C examine claims made by products against ISO standards.


34. B Consumers find it difficult to tell the true from the false.


35. A make product labeling satisfy ISO requirements.




36. B protect it from irresponsible development.


37. A the population in the Pocono area is growing.


38. C Cooperation with the local residents and business leaders.


39. D The setting up of a local Nature Conservancy branch in the Pocono area.


40. C an advertisement.




Part III Vocabulary


41.B edit


42.D dull


43.C come out


44.A tension


45.B horrible


46.C worth


47.A absorbed


48.D bridge


49.A ignore


50.B scene


51.A retain


52.C balance


53.B shift


54.D content


55.D into


56.A effective


57.C sounds


58.D bring down


59.B awarded


60.D harmony


61.A at all


62.C with


63.D space


64.B inserted


65.A access


66.D run


67.A prior to


68.D confronted


69.B roughly


70.C unless



Part IV Short Answer Questions
S1 Sportsmanship
S2 a sportsman
S3 obeying the fish and game laws
S4 qualified
S5 game hogs / the game hog
S6 useless and harmful
S7 wetting the hands
S8 Be sure of the identity of their targets / Be thoughtful and informed



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