1)细节问题 这种问题是最基本的考试题目,主要目的是考查学生对文章中某些事实和数据的掌握,例如:时间、地点、人物、数量、事件。这类问题的答案一般都能够在原文中找到,因为在题干中这类题目的某些结构、词语和表达方式与原文中的某些句子结构是一致的。 由于所考查的侧重点不同,我们还可把细节问题分为:句子理解型、数字计算型、例证说明型。
①句子理解型 句子理解型多侧重于考查某些段落中比较难一点的句子的理解。一般情况下,这类题目肯定会涉及到一些不常用的或者是比较难的单词和短语。有时,句子结构比较松散,甚至会出现双重否定的句型。因此,在做这类题目的时候,考生一定不能只理解与本题目有关的这句话而应该把上下文中的语句联系起来,经过一番深思熟虑之后,再做出正确的判断。常见的提问方式有:According to Paragraph 4,What is ...?;According to the passage,the problem of pollution partly comes from...?;Which of the following is not true? The following sentences are correct except....
②数字计算型 数字计算型不仅要考查学生对文中数据的理解,有时也会考查到一定的数学计算。个别的题目还会考查到考生对某些表示数量的名词的理解,例如:quarter(1/4),half(1/2),dozen(12),fortnight(14天),score(20),decade(十年), century(世纪),millennium(千年)。还有些会涉及到最大值和最小值问题,因为在文章中作者仅仅给出了一个范围。在有些有关数字的题目中,文中所出现的数字与选项中所出现的数据并不一致,例如:文章中出现的是华氏温度,而选项中则出现的是摄氏温度;文章中出现的是具体年份,而选项中出现的是某个年代或者某个世纪。虽然说数字问题有以上多种类型,但总体上来说,这类题目还是很容易的,因为大部分题目的答案都能在题目中直接找到。有些个别题目会涉及到数学运算,但这种运算非常简单。而解这类题目应该注意的一点是不仅要记住数据,而是要知道这个数据与什么有关。
③例证说明型 例证说明型主要侧重于考查以下几个方面:例子的细节,所举例子的目的,该事例的作用等。做这类题目的关键是要弄清楚例子出现的位置,例子前后的那些说明性的句子,因为通过它们我们便可以找到对例证说明型问题的答案。值得大学生注意的是有的例子是与全文的主题有关,而有的例子则是用来支持某一分论点的。
2)主旨问题 读完一篇文章之后,我们总是会对某篇文章的主要内容有所了解。但是,有些时候,却并不是很容易就能抓住文章的中心思想。因此,在英语四级阅读理解的测试中,文章的主旨也就成了常考的题型。有时,题目主要是直接问文章的中心内容、主题;有时,还要求学生从所给出的四个选项中给文章选一个合适的标题;有时,还会问及作者写这篇文章的目的。虽然这类题目有各种各样的类型,归根结底,要想理解文章的主旨,考生就必须从文章中找出主题句。主题句在文章中有时可以直接找到,有时需要考生自己总结和归纳。一般来说,主题句的位置一般比较灵活,有时主题句就是每篇或者每段文章的第一句话;有时主题句出现在每段或者每篇的最后一句话;有时也会出现在文章或段落的中间。值得大家注意的是:在做这类题目的时候,考生要排除掉那些干扰项。最具有干扰性的选项是文章的局部信息,它可能是某一段话的中心论点,或者是其中的某一个例子。有些干扰项概括的范围过于宽泛,并没能准确的总结出这篇文章的主旨,而所包含的内容多于文章所阐述的内容。 常见的问题类型主要有:The major point discussed in the passage is ; The best title for this passage should be ; The passage tells us ; The author's purpose in writing this passage is to .
3)结论问题 结论题又称推断题,顾名思义就是着重考查学生的思维能力和总结归纳能力。与细节问题相比,推断题的难度还是比较大的,因为这种题目的解答不仅要靠对上下文相关信息的理解,更重要的是在理解的基础上作出合理的逻辑推断。这样,解决这类问题就要求考生不仅要有良好的理解能力,更要具有较强的逻辑分析能力。 结论问题还可以细分为以下三类:推断作者的言外之意;对文章全部内容或者某个细节的归纳;对各部分的内在联系与作者写作思路的逻辑推理。 ①推断作者的言外之意推断作者的言外之意是出现比例较大的推断题。 常见的提问方式有:It can be inferred from the passage that .;Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? It is implied but not clearly stated that ; From Paragraph 2, we can infer that .等。做这类题目的时候,要紧密注意文章中的关键词、短语,因为它们往往决定着作者的言外之意。
②对文章全部或部分内容的归纳 还有一部分题目是对文章全部内容的归纳,也有对某个段落或者某个细节的总结。常见 的提问方式有 It can be concluded from the whole passage that ; According to the author, 等等。
③对各部分的内在联系和作者写作思路的推理 对各部分的内在联系与作者的写作思路的逻辑推理是推理题中难度最大的。这类题目不仅和文章内容本身直接相关,而且有时还会涉及到作者的思路与写作方法,有时考生也有必要了解作者的写作技巧和行文意图。根据写作理论,作者的任何观点都要有充分的证据,举事例是最常用的论证方法,而反过来,如果作者举了一个例子,其目的必然是为了证明一定的论点。因此,(记住:引用中出现代观点一般只是说话人的观点,而不是作者的观点!)在做这类题目时要对写作的常用思路有明确的认识。
4)词语问题 虽然说一定数量的词汇是提高阅读能力的必要条件。但是需要强调的是,这里所说的词语问题与单项填空中的词义辨析和语法运用中的词义辨析题是有所不同的, 因为阅读理解的词语问题并非是单纯地考查词汇量,而是考查学生在一定的上下文中辨认和推测词意的能力。 纵观历年的四级考试试卷,我们发现词汇辨析题是阅读理解中经常出现的题型。这类题目主要考查学生对文章中出现的某些词组或句子意思的推断能力。常见的词语推断有两个种类:一是常用词语辨析,侧重于考查多义常用词在特定语境中的具体意思;二是生词,侧重于考查考生根据上下文推断生词意思的能力。那么,如何根据上下文来猜测词意呢?
①直接定义法 有的时候,作者用了生词,然后马上就用一些简单的单词来解释它。这样我们就能够理解这些词的意思了。重述是一种非常有用的直接定义,它往往用简单一些的单词来重新解释,常见的标志有连词or,而且多用一逗号与生词隔开,例如:The perimeter, or the distance around the circle, is six meters。其中的perimeter对大部分考生来说都是一个生词 ,但是作者马上用一个简单的短语来解释,or the distance around the circle(圆周的距离),所以perimeter是"圆的周长"之意。 定义也是作者常用的方式。常见的标志词"is defined as", "the definition of ...is", "is said to", "refer to", "mean"等。例如:A right angle is an angle of 90 degrees formed by two lines perpendicular to each other. 虽然大部分考生都认识right angle这两个词,但是这个短语的意思则不一定知道。后面,作者马上下了一个直接而详细的定义,由两条线互相垂直构成的角;我们可以猜出right angle指的是直角。 ②同义暗示法 当作者用了一个生词的时候,为了让读者理解这个单词的意思,作者一般在上下文用一个同义词来暗示这个单词的意思。例如:Although I did not completely approve of the idea, I sanctioned it for I could not think of a better one.其中的sanction对大多数考生来说比较陌生, 但是句中的although以及动词approve告诉我们这里sanction是approve的同义词,意为"支持"。
③反义对比法 有的时候,作者也可以通过介绍一个生词的反义词来告诉我们这个生词的意思。因此,表示转折的联接词,例如:but,unlike,while,although,however,not , rather than,nevertheless,on the contrary就成了这类题目的标志词。
④事例证明法 在阅读的过程中,我们经常会碰到诸如for example, such as之类的词组。在猜测生词的时候,它们也会给我们提供很大的帮助,因为通过合适的例子,生词的意思会变得非常清楚和生动,例如:After a day's hunting,Harold is ravenous.Yesterday, for example,he ate two bowls of soup,salad,a large chicken,and a piece of chocolate cake before he was finally satisfied. 句中的ravenous是一个生词,但是后文的two bowls of soup,salad等这些例子告诉我们Harold昨天吃了很多,而现在经过了一天的寻找,他肯定是很饿了。因此,我们可以猜测出ravenous意为"饥饿的"。
⑤因果关系法 一种原因导致一种结果。如果你能理解这种逻辑关系,无论这个生词是出现在原因中还是在结果中,你都能够在这种关系的帮助下猜出这个生词的意思。
5)观点问题 问及作者观点的问题考查考生是否了解文章作者或文中某人的观点或态度。有的时候,在文章中会同时出现几种不同的观点,有的是文中谈到的某人的观点,有的是作者本人的观点。而有些情况下,作者只是引用某些人的观点,而并没有明确表示出作者自己的观点,这就需要考生根据文中的某些关键词的用法以及整篇文章的内容加以推理。要想弄清楚作者的观点,特别是从许多种观点中推测出作者的观点,考生要注意文中出现的直接引语和间接引语,因为引语中出现的观点一般都是说话人的观点而不是作者的观点。常用的表示作者的观点的短语有in my opinion, from my point of view, I think, I believe, I hold。
2.第二部分:复合式听写的命题与分析 (点击右键“另存为”可下载语音)
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. In recent years,there has been an increasing awareness of the inadequacies of the judicial system in the United States. Costs are staggering both for the taxpayers and the litigants--and the litigants,or parties,have to concerning methods of ameliorating the situation,but as in most branches of government,changes come slowly.One suggestion that has been made in order to maximize the efficiency of the system is to allow districts that have an overabundance of pending cases to borrow judges from other districts that do not have such a backlog.Another suggestion is to use pretrial conferences,in which the judge meets in his chambers with the litigants and their attorneys in order to narrow the issues,limit the witnesses,and provide for a more orderly trial. The theory behind pretrial conferences is that judges will spend less time on each case and parties will more readily settle before trial when they realize the adequacy of their claims and their opponents' evidence. Unfortunately,at least one study has shown that pretrial conferences actually use more judicial time than they save,rarely result in pretrial settlements,and actually result in higher damage settlements. Many states have now established another method,small-claims,in which cases over small sums of money can be disposed of with considerable dispatch. Such proceedings cost the litigants almost nothing. In California,for example,the parties must appear before the judge without the assistance of counsel. The proceedings are quite informal and there is no pleading-the litigants need to make only a one-sentence statement of their claim. By going to this type of court,the plaintiff waives any right to a jury trial and the right to appeal the decision. In coming years,we can expect to see more and more innovations in the continuing effort to remedy a situation which must be remedied if the citizens who have valid claims are going to be able to their day in court.
21. The pretrial conference, in theory, is supposed to do all of the following EXCEPT ————— A. narrow the issues. B. cause early settlements. C. save judicial time. D. increase settlement costs.
22. What is the main topic of the passage? A. All states should follow California's example in using smallclaims courts in order to free judges for other work. B. The legislature needs to formulate fewer laws so that judiciary can catch up on its older cases. C. Nobody seems to care enough to attempt to find methods for making the judicial system more efficient. D. While there are many problems with the court system, there are viable suggestions for improvement. 23. The word "litigants" means most nearly —————. A. jury members B. commentators C. parties in a lawsuit D. taxpayers 24. Which of the following is true about smallclaims courts? A. It is possible to have one's case heard by a jury if he or she is dissatisfied with the court's decision. B. The litigants must plead accurately and according to a strict form. C. The decision may not be appealed to a higher court. D. The parties may not present their cases without an attorney's help. 25. What can we assume from the passage? A. Most people who feel they have been wronged have a ready remedy in courts of law. B. Many people would like to bring a case to court, but are unable to because of the cost and time required. C. The judicial system in the United States is highly acclaimed for its efficiency. D. Pretrial conferences will someday probably have replaced trials completely.