英译汉,作为大学英语四、六级考试委员会设计的新题型之一,被置于"阅读理解"的四篇文章之后。每次通常考4到5题,均系从"阅读理解"的文章中每篇挑选出1或2个句子。考生 因此可以在有前后文的具体语境中,对句子做出分析和翻译。考试时间为15分钟。 英译汉的形式是在阅读文章中划出五个结构较复杂的句子,要求考生翻译成通顺的汉语。"英译汉"的句子一般较长,结构较为复杂,简单句基本不考。
英译汉部分考生必须做到准确、完整、通顺、书写工整,不写错别字等,因此可归结两个方面: 1. 必须忠实原文,即掌握好度,要把原文的内容准确完整表达出来,既不改变和歪曲,亦不增添或删减。 2. 必须用合乎规范的本族语表达原文内容,即译文应是明白通畅的现代汉语,即不逐字死译,亦不生吞活剥。 例如:The road to development is long but we are on it.发展道路是漫 长的,但我们已坚定地走上了这条路。介词"on"译成了动词"走上了"。 在保证原文与译语间最大限度的等值的同时,适当运用某些翻译技巧是必不可少的。
英译汉七种方法 1. 语序调整法 当句子中修饰语较多时,这就要求我们翻译时适当调整句子的先后次序,使之符合汉语表达习惯,如有必要时,还可改变句子结构。例如: Two thinkers, born within ten years of each other, who exerted a powverful and farreading influence on Western culture, were Charless Daruis and Charles Babbage. 查贝奇斯·达尔文和查尔斯巴尔这两位思想家出生年份相差不过十年,他们都对西方文化产生了重大而深远的影响。
2. 被动句的翻译 英语中被动语态较频繁,这样,必要时可相应地译成主动语态。下列常用句的译法也应引起重视: It is wellknown that ...众所周知 It is reported that ...据报道;It is learned that ...据闻,据说 It is considered that ...据估计,人们认为 It is supposed that ...据推测…… It cant be denied that ...无可否认 It will be seen from this that ...由此可见
3. 词性转换法 由于词的使用范围和表达方式不一样,原来英语中属于某词类的词,在译成汉语时可以转为另一种不同的词类。否则,若按对应的词性死译,就难于表达原文意义,或违背汉语表达习惯。如名词短语"great efforts"(巨大的努力)就可译成动词"力图"。例如:Our age is witnessing a profound political change.我们的时代是深刻的政治变迁的见证。动词"is witnessing"在译文中变成了名词"见证"。
4. 释义:就是对上下文内容进行解释或进一步说明,翻译时不必拘泥于原文的形式。例如: The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match the growth in population, which means that were heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food. 食品供应的增长速度将赶不上人口的增长,也就是说我们在粮食的生产和购销方面正陷入危机。
5. 状语 英语和汉语的状语或状语从句在句中位置不完全相同,在翻译时应作必要的调整。另外,英语中有些状语很难译成汉语对应形式,遇到这种情况,我们应尽力在保持原意的前提下采用变通的手段。 例如:It is the part of the job of the clerks to collect and classify that information and to put it into such a form that it is easily interpreted and understood. 职员的任务之一就是收集资料并加以归类,然后将其制成一份既易于说明又容易理解的表格。
6. 定语 定语和定语从句的翻译是考试的重点,也是难点。为了简洁和表达的方便常将较长的从句压缩,或限定性定语从句有时与主句揉合在一起译成一句,这样就避免了译文不像地道的汉语。 例如:Sarah Connor is a little, yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven baggar.萨拉康纳是个要饭的,身材矮小,面色发黄,衣衫褴褛,瘸腿,满脸胡子。
7. 长句的翻译方法 长句的翻译是考试的重点,关键是首先找出句子的骨架,即主谓宾语,然后再将其他修饰成分嵌入框架。如果不使用一句话表达,可将句子重新组织,按逻辑关系分成两个或数个短句。只要能完整准确地传文原意,即便没有拘泥于原文结构,也同样正确。 好的翻译前提是正确的理解和译文的准确。改变原句的结构必须是为了表达的需要,即必须是"不得已而为之",同时要掌握变通的"度"。如果没有十足的把握,宁可直译,蹩脚的译文(如果正确)总比虽流畅但不准确的译文要强。
综上,我们可以得出一个适合于普通考生在做四级翻译时应注意的标准问题。一个是"信",一个是"顺"。所谓"信",是指忠实于原文的意思,不增不减,更不能篡改句意,当然还要确保忠于原文的感情色彩和风格。所谓"顺",就是要保证汉语译文符合中国人说话的习惯。比如,翻译He was given a warm reception.这一句,有人译为"他被给予热情的接待。"虽然看得懂,但总觉得有点异样。不如翻成,"他受到了热情接待",就自然多了。另外,就是要语言流畅。当然如果原文本不流畅,就应是个例外了。
S1(Lines1-2,Para.1,passage 1) Long after the 1998 world cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing (裁判)decisions that denied victory to their team. 译文:1998年世界杯足球赛早已尘埃落定,但失望的球迷们仍在责骂那些颇有争议的判罚,声称正是那些判罚使他们的球队没能获胜。 考点:转译,重复法,增译法。 解析:the world cup was won不能译成"世界杯赢了",而是"结束了"或"尘埃落定"。这里由于不能直译,则必须用意译。Decisions后面的定语从句被单独抽出来翻译了,这样decisions 一词就必须要重译一遍,并且为了补足从句的意思,须增译"声称"以使表意完整。
S2(Lines1-2,Para.6,Passage2) But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory. 译文:但是穷人们在没有政府救济的情况下,生活照样过得很好,对很多人来说,这事实本身就是一个巨大的胜利。 考点:增译,减译。 解析:for many 必须根据上下文增译为for many poor people. The fact"事实"可以不用译出。若译出则显得累赘。总之,减译fact并不改变原文意思而且译文顺畅。With government aid被增译为"在没有政府救济的情况下",也是汉语行文习惯所要求的。
S3(Line5-6,Para.2,Passage.3) What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity(身份)than to step out of uniform? 译文:对于一名护士,警察,理发师或是一名侍者而言,还有什么比脱掉制服更加便利的方法能让他们失去职业身份呢? 考点:调换语序法;转译法。 解析:由于英语的问句都是倒装形式,而汉语很少用倒装,所以调换语序翻译是迫不得已的。Step out of 由于后接的是衣服,则译为"脱去",而不是"走出去"。
S4(Lines 3-4,Para.1,Passage 4) Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties. 译文:社会资助是由人与人之间的资源交换所构成的,而这种交换乃是建立在他们人际关系的基础之上。 考点:分译法。 解析:这个定语被分开来,单独翻译,这是因为为了避免定语过多而影响译文的流畅程度。可以看出,把长定语抽出来单译时,有必要进行增译,使得句子结构完整。 综上可见,每句话中都可能用到多种翻译技巧,但所有的技巧都只是为一个目的服务的,即,在保证忠实原文的基础上,使译文符合汉语表达习惯。因此,只要达到了这一目的,具体翻译方式也是多样的。不过,翻译的首选还是直译,意译只是在必要时才采用的。
The safest and most commonly practiced method of killing elephants is to spear them from trees. The spear used has a blade twelve inches long and three inches wide and a strong shaft three or four feet long. 1) Armed with this weapon, the hunter waits in a tree overlooking an elephant trail or water hole and,assisted by gravity, plunges the spear into the back of the passing beast, aiming for the space between the shoulder blades (肩胛). 2) A well-placed spear will drop an elephant within a hundred yards, but admittedly the spear is often placed very inaccurately (as a result of the weapon's unwildness and various elements of chance), so that the elephant has to be followed. Sometimes for days, until it succumbs (屈服). 3) A few virile tribes practice the far more dangerous method of surrounding and spearing the elephant on the open plain. This requires thirty to fifty men, each armed with two of three throwing spears. The men first choose a lone bull or cut one out from a herd; then one man dances in front to attract the elephant's attention while others flying spears from the elephant's flank. 4) Screaming in fury, the elephant charges in one direction after another, always to be diverted by more spears. Soon he becomes tired and bewildered while fresh spear-men constantly appear to keep him wheeling and turning. 5) Finally weakened by exhaustion and loss of blood from his many wounds, the elephant sinks to his knees, whereupon (于是,从而) a bold hunter will run in and thrust a spear into the animal's heart.
1.____________________________ . 2.____________________________ . 3.____________________________ . 4.____________________________ . 5.____________________________ .
本文描述了两种不同的用矛去猎杀大象的方法。第一段所介绍的方式据说是最完全和普遍应用的;后一段中的捕象方式更加残酷而危险。 1.Armed with this weapon, the hunter waits in a tree overlooking an elephant trail or water hole and, assisted by gravity, plunges the spear into the back of the passing beast, aiming for the space between the shoulder blades (肩胛). 参考译文:狩猎者手持这种武器藏在树上等候,观察着大象出没的流水深凹0.5分。借助地球引力,猎手快速将梭镖刺向正在过往的大象的背部0.5分,旨在射中象的肩胛骨之间的背部。(全句结构0.5) 翻译技巧:增译法。 翻译点评:"藏在","出没","射中"都是根据句意,为了使汉语译文完整而作的增译。Armed with的意思是"装备",而这里因指的是梭镖,而译为"手持"。另外,plunge一词通常解为"快速沉下"也即(借助地球引力)向下方投掷镖的意思。
2.A well- placed spear will drop an elephant within a hundred yards, but admittedly the spear is often placed very inaccurately, so that the elephant has to be followed. Sometimes for days, until it succumbs (屈服). 参考译文:瞄得准的梭镖可以射中一头一百码以内的大象,但无可否认的是0.5分,梭镖常因未能瞄准而射偏0.5分,以至于有时要跟着大象跑几天,直到它因心力交瘁而屈服0.5分(全句结构0.5) 翻译技巧:增译法。 翻译点评:"梭镖未能瞄准"也就是"射偏"了,所以必须增译。So that在这里,根据句意,应该是引导结果的,而不能译为"为了",另外,"心力交瘁"也是根据上下文而作的必要增译。
3.A few virile tribes practice the far more dangerous method of surrounding and spearing the elephant on the open plain.参考译文:一些强悍的部落采用0.5分一种危险得多0.5分的方式,即在空旷的原野上包围并用矛刺杀0.5分大象。(全句结构0.5) 翻译技巧:分译法。 翻译点评:介词of后面所引导的介词短语作为定语修饰method,而far more dangerous也是它的定语,为了不显累赘,把介词短语单独成句来翻译。
4.Screaming in fury, the elephant charges in one direction after another,always to be diverted by more spears. Soon he becomes tired and bewildered while fresh spear-men constantly appear to keep him wheeling and turning. 参考译文:大象狂怒地吼叫着,一会儿冲向这儿,一会儿冲向那儿0.5分,总因梭镖的攻势改变0.5分着方向。很快,大象就精疲力竭,糊里糊涂,而不时出现的新射手使得它左右回旋不断改变方向0.5分。(全句结构0.5) 翻译技巧:增译法,减译法,转译法。 翻译点评:"一会儿冲向"是增译,因为汉语的"一会儿……","一会儿……",能够非常生动地描绘大象的动作。"因梭镖的攻势改变方向"的原文部分直译为:"总被更多的梭镖(攻击)而改变方向"。这里转译更符合汉语理解习惯。"不时出现"是constantly appear的译文,不过fresh一词也有"重新的","刚出现"的意思,由于前后意思重复,故减译以免哆嗦。另外,charge和wheel两个词都涉及到一词多义。前者在本句中意思应该是"猛冲"的意思,而后者解释为"转向","转弯",和后面的turn是近义词。
5.Finally, weakened by exhaustion and loss of blood from his many wounds,the elephant sinks to his knees, whereupon (于是,从而) a bold hunter will run in and thrust a spear into the animal's heart. 参考译文:最后,由于极度疲劳0.5分,大象终于跪倒在地0.5分。于是,一名勇敢的狩猎者就跑上前,把矛刺向它的心脏。(全句结构0.5) 翻译技巧:减译法。 翻译点评:由于weakened和wounds不用翻译,汉语译文的意思已经非常明了,因此减译。另外,sink一词的原义为"下沉",但根据后面的knees而译成"跪倒"。