Model Test 2
Impressionism is a form of art that began in the 1870’s. When you look closely at an impressionist painting, you see little dots of different colored paints. When you move away from the picture, the dots of colors blend together and the painting looks like it has light playing on the people and objects in the picture. Impressionist art is different from traditional art. Traditional painters were interested in the form of objects. The impressionists were interested in light and color. The impressionist painters wanted to paint natural light that was lively and bright. They tried to express the feeling of pure sunshine in their paintings. When traditional artists mixed paints, they could not create the feeling of bright, natural light. Therefore, instead of mixing colors, the impressionists used small dots of pure colors. The viewers’ eyes put these unmixed colors together the same way they add color in light together. When you look at an impressionist painting, it feels the same as when you look at an object in lively, natural sunlight.
Traditional painters worked inside. Impressionist painters worked outside because they wanted to paint the effect of sunlight on objects. Monet, for example, made a series of paintings of a haystack. Every morning he went to a field with eight or ten paintings. All day, he sat in front of a haystack painting. Every hour heworked on a different picture. All of these paintings are pictures of the haystack, but they do not look the same. Monet made his paintings directly from the changing of nature, especially from different hours of sunlight. His study of the haystack is an hourbyhour record of the artistry(艺术性) of light.
1. Why are there many dots on an impressionist painting?
2. If an impressionist painter draws an apple, what part of the apple will attract the painter’s attention most?
3. What do traditional painters fail to do?
4. By saying that traditional painters worked inside, we can conclude that they ignore ____________________________________________
5. Why did Monet work on a different picture every hour?
1. 【参考答案】 In order to blend or mix different color together.
【解题技巧】 在原文中寻找与问句相关的词。一个词愈是反复出现,其意思愈是容易解释。
【详细解答】 阅读水平的高低用什么来作为衡量的标准,这个问题始终困扰着考生。不少人都有这样的体会,一篇文章能轻松自如地通读一遍,但在回答问题时却常常不知所措。由此,可以看出两个问题:第一,阅读问题和阅读内容有时并不完全统一。问题常常是内容的扩展和延伸。特别是在判断阅读理解选择题时,在“似是而非”的选择项中寻找目标,就仿佛是走进地雷阵,一不小心就有可能触雷。从这个意义上说,答题正确与否并不能完全反映出考生的阅读理解能力。第二,阅读理解考试要求很高的应试技巧。技巧高的考生读文章或许是似懂非懂,但做出的题却常常是“满堂彩”。
要把阅读内容和问题联系起来,综合分析,我们首先得寻找问句中重复原文的部分,或是单词,或是短语,或是意思。也就是找问句和原句之间的相同点。如在本文第一自然段里就两次出现dots一词——you see little dots of different colored paints和the dots of colors blend together。如果我们把这两句话串起来,答案就不言而喻:上一句提出现象,下一句解释现象出现的原因。
2. 【参考答案】 Light and color.
【解题技巧】 同义不同词永远是阅读提问的一种方式。
【详细解答】 大部分考生的阅读理解能力是非常出色的,但他们往往阅读成绩却不尽人意。究其原因,对问句的误解大概是其中之一。有些问句看似与原文毫无关系,而简答题又没有给出若干个选择让我们判断。回到原文中去找,密密麻麻一片字,又不知从何下手。解决的方法只有一个:找共性。确定问句与原句中单词之间的联系。此问句中的attention实际上与原文中的interest是指的同一个意思。
3.【参考答案】 They could not create the feeling of bright and natural light.
【解题技巧】 了解英语文章的常用写作手段非常有助于对阅读文章的透彻理解。
【详细解答】 在说明和叙述一件事情时,作者常常利用对比手法。所谓对比就是并列比较事实,突出其中的主要区别。通过对比,读者对要了解的事物更加清楚,更加深刻。正如我们要形容一栋高层大楼时,如果加上一句“旁边的大烟囱还不到大楼的一半”,这比单独描述房子高50或100米要形象得多。此问题所问的正是对比中的一句话。
4. 【参考答案】 The effect of sunlight on objects
【解题技巧】 通过“肯定”去寻找“否定”是确定答案的一种捷径。
【详细解答】 与前一句相同,在本文中,作者继续对比传统和印象派画家的不同。所谓“对比”,常常是通过否定“反方”来肯定“正方”。作者虽然没有说明传统画家注重内在的原因,但从对印象派画家强调外表的解释中,我们能得到提示:“正方”所有的正是“反方”所没有的。这样正确答案也就有眉目了。
5. 【参考答案】 Because every hour the sunlight is different or because the sun keeps changing.
【解题技巧】 概括应尽可能地利用原文中现有的词。
【详细解答】 有些问题在原文中找不到具体直观的答案。我们无法照搬文章中的某一句话。答案实际上散落在几句甚至一个自然段中。对考生来说,回答此类题的难度在于精确的概括能力。
根据第三自然段,特别是段末different hours 和hourby hour,我们就能做出准确的概括。
Model Test 2
There are more than forty universities in Britain—nearly twice as many as in 1960. During the 1960s eight completely new ones more founded, and ten other new ones were created ___1___ converting old colleges of technology into universities. In the same period the ___2___ of students more than doubled, from 70, 000 to ___3___ than 200,000. By 1973 about 10% of men aged from eighteen ___4___ twentyone were in universities and about 5% of women.
All the universities are private institutions. Each has its ___5___ governing councils, ___6___ some local businessmen and local politicians as ___7___ as a few academics(大学教师). The state began to give grants to them fifty years ___8___, and by 1970 each university derived nearly all its ___9___ from state grants. Students have to ___10___ fees and living costs, but every student may receive from the local authority of the place ___11___ he lives a personal grant which is enough to pay his full costs, including lodging and ___12___ unless his parents are ___13___. Most ___14___ take jobs in the summer ___15___ about six weeks, but they do not normally do outside ___16___ during the academic year. The Department of Education takes ___17___ for the payments which cover the whole expenditure of the ___18___, but it does notexercise direct control. It can have an important influence ___19___ new developments through its power to distribute funds, but it takes the advice of the University Grants Committee, a body which is mainly ___20___ of academics.
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