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Unit Six

Passage 关于短文(一)



1.不要求听懂每一个单词,只要听懂大意,抓住关键信息,一般就可答对题目。所以遇到生词不必惊慌,有几个生词不影响对全文的理解。例如:The October nights in the valley grew cold. The infection in Bedell’s wounds flared up. With Dick and his wife, Jennie, helping, she moved the Union officer at night, to a bed in a hidden loft above the warm kitchen of her own home.Q: Where did she move the Union officer?
A. To a hospital.B. To the Confederacy.C. To her own home.
D. To a deserted house.
这篇短文可能有些生词听不出来,如infection, flare up, loft等,但这并
不影响答题,只要听懂“she moved the Union officer...”这一句中的“her own home”这一关键信息,就可答对题目,选出答案C。

2.短文有一定长度,仅凭大脑对信息的瞬间记忆是不够的,需要考生边听边作一些记录。当然这要在不影响听下面内容的前提下,用自己能懂的简单符号迅速记下重要内容。短文后的问题有的是关于文中的某一具体信息,如地点、时间、年龄、职业等;有的是提纲式的,即文后的几个问题揭示出了文章的主要内容;有的是主题式的,即关于文章的主题思想或作者的观点。如:Which is the best title for this passage?


Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
1.A. An officer.B. A tourist guide.
C. A customer. D. A student.
2.A. He had much trouble with his pronunciation.
B. He began studying English too early.
C. No one can understand him.
D. He knew nothing about English.
3.A. She thinks the exam is difficult.
B. She thinks the man should take the exam.
C. She wants to take the exam.
D. She will take the English exam next summer.
4.A. To go to the party. B. To depend on him.
C. To pick up the soda. D. To keep a promise.
5.A. Because she didn’t turn off the light.
B. Because she wanted to get some sleep.
C. Because she turned off the second light.
D. Because tomorrow would be a big day.
6.A. To see a film.B. To read.
C. To have a review.D. To play in the house.
7.A. It’s a bad suggestion, so she can’t force herself to do it.
B. It’s a good suggestion, but it’s hard to do.
C. It’s not the same as what a lot of people told her.
D. It’s nonsense.
8.A. The man will help the woman.
B. The man will not help the woman.
C. The man is afraid of the refrigerator. 
D. The man likes the refrigerator.
9.A. Playing with the model plane.
B. Buying a washing machine.
C. Buying cheap things.
D. Buying deluxe things.
10.A. Picking a tomato. B. Seeing a film.
C. Having dinner. D. Watching TV.

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, You must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11.A. During busy times.
B. At lunch.
C. At dinner.
D. At either breakfast or lunch.
12.A. One reason. B. Two reasons.
C. Three reasons. D. Several reasons.
13.A. Social occasion.B. Business occasion.
C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B.

Questions 14 to17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14.A. 500 B.C.B. 300 B.C.
C. A.D.1D. A.D.1800
15.A. Hunters were given permits to hunt game.
B. Tigers only were to be killed.
C. The killing of game beasts was supervised.
D. No killing of beasts was allowed.
16.A. Cutting timber was carefully supervised.
B. Cutting timber was not allowed.
C. Cutting timber was limited to smaller trees.
D. Cutting timber was allowed to nobles only.
17.A.The growth of the world’s population has meant greater da
nger to wildlife.
B.About a thousand species of animals are in danger of extinction.
C. The rate of extinction of mammals is lower now than it was from A.
D.1 to 1800.
D. Hunters who kill endangered species are severely punished by law.

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
18.A. Last century.
B. The last part of this century.
C. Last decade.
D. The last part of this decade.
19.A. They feel happy.B. They didn’t know what to do.
C. They came back to the New World.D. They were afraid of the oceans.
20.A. Spaceship. B. Ocean.
C. Exploration. D. Earth.


【试题分析】 本对话考查对行为的承受者的判断。
【关键词语】 roast beef, order.
【详细解答】 从答句中出现的一些菜名“roast beef, French frie
d potatoes and gre
en beans”可以推断问句“Are you ready to order now?”中的“order”是“点菜”的意
【试题分析】 考查对事件的判断。
【关键词语】 trouble with my pronunciation.
【详细解答】 从对话的男声中可听到“if I had begun..., I woul
dn’t be having...
据句式中出现的“trouble with my pronunciation”,就可知道他有发音方面的问题,因
【试题分析】 考查对某一事物观点的判断。
【关键词语】 would be inclined to...if I were you.
【详细解答】 “if I were you...”,是虚拟语气句式,表示“如
若听懂了女声答语“I would be inclined to take it if I were you.”便可推断她认为
【试题分析】 本题要求考生对具体行为进行判断。
【关键词语】 Can I depend on you..., I promise...
【详细解答】 对话的问句中“Can I depend on you...”是要求对

句中的“I promise...”是向对方作出承诺的句式。听出这两个句式就能明白对话的意思并
【试题分析】 考查某一动作所形成的原因。
【关键词语】 I’ll turn it off..., sorry.
【详细解答】 女声答话中的“Sorry. I’ll turn it off in a seco
【试题分析】 考查考生对行为判断的能力。
【关键词语】 go to the movie, I’d love to go.
【详细解答】 此题首先要听清“go to the movie”,并知道它就是
“go to see a film
”的意思。还要听清答话中的“I’d love to go”,才能明白他们是去看电影。
【试题分析】 考查考生对行为判断的能力。
【关键词语】 smoking.
【详细解答】 此题需在听懂大意的基础上进行推断。关键词是“smo
【试题分析】 本题考查考生对对话主题的归纳、判断的能力。
【关键词语】 I’m afraid I can’t.
【详细解答】 回答此题需了解英语在委婉拒绝别人时的表达方式。
答话的前半部分I’d l
ike to是客气,后面的“I’m afraid I can’t.”才是真正的回答,表示拒绝。因此选B。9.答案B。
【试题分析】 本题考查考生对行为的判断的能力。
【关键词语】 purchase.
【详细解答】 此题只要听清“purchase”这个词并知道它是“buy”
【试题分析】 本题考查考生对行为的判断的能力。
【关键词语】 soup.
【详细解答】 此题关键是听出“soup”这个词,便可推断出他们说

【试题分析】 本题考查对文章中某一行为所发生的时间是否掌握。
【关键词语】 the evening meal.
【详细解答】 短文中可听到这样一句“The evening meal is usual
ly longer and a ti
me for family to gather together.”由此可推断晚饭时饭店里最不忙。
【试题分析】 本题考查产生某一行为的原因。
【关键词语】 another, reason.
【详细解答】 听懂了关键词“Another reason...”就可推断有两个

【试题分析】 理解产生某一行为所需的条件。
【关键词语】 unless.
【详细解答】 “unless”是解答此题的关键。unless有否定含义,

【试题分析】 本题考查对时间的判断。
【关键词语】 about 300 B.C.
【详细解答】 此题需听懂文章的前半部分的大意才能明白问题的所
的“About 300 B.C.”这一具体信息。
【试题分析】 本题考查对一事实的判断能力。
【关键词语】 300 B.C. forest, killing...supervised.
【详细解答】 听出“300 B.C.”“forests”这种交代背景的关键字
The killing of game beasts was carefully supervised”这句话即可选准答案。
【试题分析】 本题考查考生对行为的判断能力。
【关键词语】 nobody was allowed to cut...
【详细解答】 听懂了“nobody was allowed to cut timber”就可
【试题分析】 本题考查考生对文章的某一方面进行推断的能力。
【关键词语】 the rate...is one piece, every year, every fifty years.
【详细解答】 文中最后一句暗含A的意思;B项是文中的原话,不符
这样两句话“The rate of extinction is now about one species every year; from A.D
.1 to 1800, the rate was about one species every fifty years.”这和C项所说的正好

【试题分析】 本题考查行为发生的时间。
【关键词语】 The last part of this century will be an age of
【详细解答】 短文一开始就说“The last part of this century w
ill be an age of e
【试题分析】 本题考查文章中某个动作的方式。
【关键词语】 terrified.
【详细解答】 文章在描述探险者的感受时用了“terrified”这个词
【试题分析】 本题考查全文的中心思想。
【关键词语】 exploration.
【详细解答】 文章既谈到当今的空间探索,又谈到过去的航海探险


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