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南京大学小百合 qnju Jun 22 08:01:43 2002


我是20号下午到的,就临时住在704,讨厌的是雨下的很大,心情很不爽.我是退学的,所以对这次1000并不是很乐观,但想想也没什么大不了的,我认为我的心态摆的还是不错的.晚上和我gf及她同学在附近的多利川味饭店吃饭时看到一男一女两个老外,男的英俊,女的金发,幻想会不会是VO呢,特地多看了几眼并把这个饭店的英文名记了下来,心想要是明天碰到,可以来一句 I saw u in Tony Restaurant yesterday evening,说不定会收到奇效:)

第二天早上雨下的还是很大,就没让我gf从她同学那里来领事馆等我.我的预约号是135,在外面淋雨排到了9点多才进去,签证的大厅很小,没有我想象中的气派.突然看到一个VO窗口前站着viyo红色的背影,心里祝他好运!还在排队交材料时,viyo就来WC了,自然是恭喜恭喜!聊了几句,增加了点信心,他和我握手时说把他的喜气传给我,果不其然! 我拿到了016号,这可是我的幸运数字之一呀!窃喜.(以前在网上闲逛,测算了一下,我的幸运数字是7,16,25,34这四个数字,我掐指一算,才发现自己想不幸运都难: 我的宿舍是716,学号是MG0025034,巧吧!).



I: Glad to meet you on weekend,Sir!
LB:How r u today!
I: I am 24 years old.(上来就晕菜.听成了How old r u)
LB: I say how r u today
I; Oh, sorry. I am fine, but a little cold because of the heavy rain.(现在一想,我有点感冒,应该说catch a little cold 才对)
LB: &*^%$^*& specialty?
I: Environmental Toxicology
LB: What?
I; Environmental Toxicology(讲的慢了一点), it mainly deals with all kinds of effects, especially bad effect, on plants,animals and even human beings, of natural and unnatural (被打断)
LB: I know that. So you r a student?
I: (开始紧张,已经切到要害了). Yes, to tell u the truth, i am still in a MS program last month(直接就招了), but i have already completed the course work and got enough credits, and my future advisor hope me to go there as soon as possible, i have his words(好像说了这么一句), 把打出来的email硬往里塞,他不理,只好拿出来.

LB:Have you completed your thesis?
I: MS program thesis?
I: No, because of the stipulation of our dept that no one could get the MS degree within 2 years, I also lose this opportunity.
LB: So you mean u quit?
I;(我还能怎么说,心想死就死了)Yes, but I do not think it is necessary for me to get the MS degree here, because OSU will give me the PHD degree.(这句话他根本没听)
LB: 很郑重的看着我说, Now, I have 2 questions for you!
I: Please
LB: 1) Is it usually for you to get the MS degree in 3 years?
I: yes
LB: 2) In the first year u r studying, and in second year, you r doing thesis?
I: yes, i am doing some research works in the laboratory. 看两个问题完了,又赶紧说:my present advisor support me to do so, here is his letter for u. 拿出老板的support letter就往里塞.
LB: I do not want it.
I: 心里想,彻底熄火!
LB:回头好像整理什么东西,几秒钟之后才转过脸来, Your transcript!
I: (我想肯定是再走走过场就据我了) Graduate or undergraduate?
LB: graduate
I: 塞进去
LB: open it for me
I: thank you. (太紧张了,此处的thank u 完全没的必要) 一下撕开,塞进去LB 瞟了一眼, 扔出来 #&#*$#&*&, would u like to go to WC?
I: 几乎不敢相信自己的耳朵 Yes, Thank you!




退学 一千 V
南京大学小百合 WaltHunter Jun 19 00:08:44 2002

我的观察,叫号和签证官的分配也是随机的。我是第二个被叫到3号窗口的,是个美国大叔,应该比我胖。就叫他US(Uncle Sam)吧。WH(walthunter)。

WH: Morning, sir.
US: (look up at me) Morning. How are you?
WH: Fine. Thank you. And you?
US: (no response.) Mr. Hunter, (升调。)Please tell me, Have you finished your education in China? (可能看过材料,直奔主题。我在DS表上故意含糊,写的96-2002年在南大读本科和研究生。)
WH: I have been studying in Nanjing University for six years........(interrupted)
US: What is your highest degree?
WH: bachelor of science.
US: You spent 6 years for bachelor of science?
WH: Oh, I spent 4 years for that degree, and then I entered the graduate program of Nanjing University....
US: When will you get your master degree?
WH: I will get a phd directly from University of California, Los Angeles.
US: When WILL you get your master degree?
WH: (somewhat dispointed) in the year 2003.
US: Will you get the master's degree here?
WH: (looking into his eyes, loadly)No!
US: Why can't you get the master degree for two years?
WH: I have finished all the course works and get enough credits. But Due to the policy of our department, no one can get a master degree without three years in the program. No ONE.
US: Why do you leave your master program?
WH: My supervisor has many many students, PhDs and Masters, I can not get enough attention from her. She also suggested me to leave the program. I have one supporting letter from her. Do you wanna see it?
US: (no response)What is your plan after you get your phd?
WH: I will find a teaching and research position in a good Chinese university.
US: To teach or do research?
WH: both.
US: a professor.
WH: yes, a professor. I like that job.
US: Mr. Hunter, how long have you been in Nanjing?
WH: six years. since I started my undergraduate study there.
US: Where is your home?
WH: In Shandong Province. Lovely place, ..........
US: What does your father do?
WH: He is a peasant.
US: and what does your mother do?
WH: also peasant.
US: then who will pay your study in the united states?
WH: university of california, los Angeles.
US: Mr. Hunter(升调。), have you taken the graduate record examination?
WH: yes.
US: Show me the transcript.
WH: ok. (looking for it in the bag. give him the transcript. I got 2380.)
US: (give the materials back to me.) Congratulations, Mr. Hunter. 
Blabla..visa...approved...success..study. usa..(The only sentence which is not clear to me. Because I am thinking what does this congratulation mean.)
WH: Thank you! blabla.
US: .........


后来在window c,有个人把我留在US那里的GRE成绩送了过来,好像还是个申请者。



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