退学从此不再是硬伤,xdjm大胆往前走 日月光华 zhchch Jun 13 11:21:37 2002
今天赶上最早的一批,不过7:40就到了。感觉去早了没一点用,到8点才开始排队,进去以后再领一个号,感觉先领先签,所以建议不希望打头阵签友“猥琐”一点。1号的cool boy最勤劳,总是第一个出台,表情十分严肃!2号的金发特别可爱,拉开窗帘,就向大家打招呼,可能希望大家能给她郁闷的生活添一点乐趣。本人在金发处第三个露面,总体感觉她比较负责,一般至少也要5分钟。我苦苦鏖战十几分钟,真是从大喜到大悲,又从大悲到大喜!!!!!!!
金发:hi! Nice to meet you, how are you?………声音很挑逗,我一惊 Me: hello! I am fine, thank you! 金发:so what will you study? Me: I will study for my Ph.D. degree at *** university. 金发:no, no, you should listen to my questing clearly, OK, what.. will..you...study? Me: Oh, Chemical engineering at *** university for my Ph.D. degree. 金发:what is your specialty? Me: blablabla, 刚说了两个词,她就摇摇头,接着问下一个问题,真是郁闷,大段大段的还没说呢! 金发:what is your highest degree? Me: bachelor 金发:which University? Me: ………. 金发:then what are you doing after you graduate? Me: about two months ago, I am a graduate student, 有讲了准备好的理由(感觉说去读博士,而这边再读硕士好像没什么用,欧还没说完,她就摇头。又说了这边课题进展不顺利,资金不足等等) 金发:no enough fund? Oh, give me you undergraduate transcripts. Me: here you are! 金发:where are you born? Me: henan province, luoyang city, a small one but beautiful. 金发:onhen? 估计她也没听说过, then your graduate transcripts. Me: 欧以为研究生成绩没用,而且有一两门课分数较低,所以说没带,blablab…. 但这时候形势开始恶化,她先要了我的身份证,看了以后又和旁边的cool boy商量了一下,问我为什么身份证上的地址和我说的不一样,解释半天!并把退学证明给她看!她不看,非要研究生成绩,faint!!! 金发:so you can’t prove that you are a graduate student at present. Me: but it is the truth. 几秒钟以后,欧看形势不妙,估计要据了,立马又慌里慌张拿出研究生成绩单,本以为她会很不爽,没想到金发关键时候还是灿烂的微笑,责怪我为什么不早拿出来,看了一会儿。 金发:So what you plan after your graduation. Me: of course come back to china, ……. Seek a research position in an institute or famous university……. 金发:微笑,问我为什么你们大家的说法都一样,你们是不是经常交流 Me: J yes, some communication, but I think it is more reasonable……blabla感觉没问题了 金发:go to wc Me: Thank you very much!!J
总结: 1、 形势依旧好,没有硬伤的一般都过,我前面的十几个都过了,就听说交大一个因为差4000$没过。前面科大的小妹妹就2个问题,幸福! 2、 金发笑容灿烂,和她就像聊天一样,其间只pardon了2次,她发音及其标准,听的很爽,自然不紧张,blabla自由发挥。准备的问题用了3成. 3、 资料一定要全,关键时候一定要回答到关键点上,她们其实也不想据我们的。 4、 面带微笑很重要。 5、 感觉早去签的会好一些,至少她们会很有耐心听。
---------------------------------------- 6.18退学一签 南京大学小百合 Eaves Jun 18 21:21:49 2002
me:Morning, sir vo:morning(毫无表情),which university will you go? me:tamu vo:major? me:atom wo:which university are you from? me; NJU vo:major? me:atom, the same as in tamu vo:highest degree? me:bs vo:when do you get it? me:last June. vo:you mean 2001? me:yes vo:what are you doing now? me:I am in a master program in NJU. vo:blabla一大堆,忘了,好像他自己也觉得表达的不够清楚,也有些不耐烦接着说,ok, i mean when can you get the master degree in NJU if you want? me:2004 vo:2004?so why do you give up the master program now? 当时我准备的两个方案都一闪而过,看在他那么不耐烦的份上我决定说简单的那个,宁可接着被他盘问。 me:because the head of the department recommended me to Professor North in TAMU. vo:Professor what? me:Professor North vo:Professor North? me:yes vo:Give me the letter from Professor North 把信给他 me:I do not have the letter from Prof.North, but I have the support letter from the head of department. vo: the head of TAMU? me:No.the head of NJU.
看信,突然加重语气念"she is an intelligent and dilligent guy"哼,难道对此你还有怀疑吗?我恶狠狠的瞪着他,不过他没看我:) 不过我后来想是不是vo对guy这个词觉得有点奇怪,:) 接着看,又念了最后一句“after she finishes her phd degree, i strongly hope she will come back to Nanjing University to join my group"好像很满意,然后就让我去window C
其实vo一开始就问到了我的弱点,不算很友好,只是我的回答在他的思维觉得还算合理。我觉得退学的同学最好有两边的教授的support letter.不管什么理由,material肯定是比你说要有说服力的,让你 的老板给你去解释,当然前提是老板愿意。我觉得今天glassboy是看了我得support letter的最后一句以后才决定给我签证的,这样他觉得plan什么的也没必要问了。letter不要很长,这样vo可以在很短的时间那看完,描述了具体的事实就够了,我的信也就5,6个句子。最后即使是vo不向你要这些东西,你也要找机会把这些convincing的东西给他看。