感谢网友 carol
5月28日,紧张得一夜未眠。 5月29日,睁着两只熊猫眼直奔广州国际大酒店(又称63层)二楼。 进门见一高高瘦瘦很稳重的哥哥,亲切的笑容让我稍微放了放心。一小时的等待,感觉椅子很硬。终于等待指示牌亮出我的号码,到一号窗交材料,一号姐姐很和气。又等了一小会,到二号窗交面签费486元,好好收住回单。由于当天有些特殊原因,拖到下午才面试。12点-1点半是午餐时间,中午到楼下的麦当劳胡乱吃了些东东,又上楼继续等待。 终于等到叫我的大名到4号窗口,还是有点紧张。翻译姐姐很好,签证官哥哥很和蔼,一共问了五个问题: how long will u stay in UK? where was u graduated from? when was u graduated? are u married? are u engaged? 最后翻译姐姐递给我一张纸,让我明天带着这张领签证的纸和身份证,以及交款回单于明日下午领签证。开心得我只懂得说“thank u”,世界是多么美好啊…… 以下是我准备的签证材料: PART1:The Main Documents 1.IM2A form with two passport-size photos (IM2A申请表附护照照片2张) 2.IM2S form(IM2S申请表) 3.Original Passport and one copy(护照正本及复印件一份) 4.Original letters and copies of offers from University of ×××( including master's program and English program) and List of Tuition Fees(×××大学录取通知书(包括硕士和英语课程)以及学费清单的原件和复印件) 5.Original Bachelor's Degree Certificate(大学学士学位证书原件,中英文各一份) 6.Original University Graduation Certificate(大学毕业证书原件,中英文各一份) 7.Original university transcript(大学学习成绩单原件,中英文各一份) 8.Original IELTS test report and one copy(雅思成绩原件6.0以及复印件一份) 9.Certificates of College English Test (band 6 and band 4) and two copies(大学英语考试六级和四级证书原件以及复印件两份) 10. Prints of ×××’s web page and e-mails with the school (×××大学的网页打印和与学校通信的e-mail打印件)
PART 2: The Financial Supporting Documents 1. Time deposit certificate and Certificate of Deposit in ××Bank of China(存款为人民币××万的中国工商银行的定期存款存单和存款证明书) 2. Current deposit account passbook and Certificate of Deposit in×× Bank of China(余额为人民币××万的中国银行的活期存款和存款证明书) 3. Property ownership certificate of my family property with construction area of ×× and one copy(房产证原件及复印件一份) 4. Working and Income certificate of my father(父亲单位出具的工作和收入证明,中英文各一份) 5. Working and Income certificate of my mother(母亲单位出具的工作和收入证明,中英文各一份) 6. Certificate on Appointment of my father and one copy(父亲的任职证书原件及复印件一份) 7. Notice on Appointment of my mother and one copy(母亲的任职通知原件及复印件一份) 8. Letter of Supporting by my parents(父母签名的经济担保信,中英文各一份)
PART 3: Other Supporting Documents 1. Two reference letters(两封推荐信) 2. The self-made expenses table of studying in UK(自制在英学习花费表)---不需要 3. Original cetificates and copies of scholarship in Renmin University of China(在××大学的奖学金证书原件及复印件)---不需要 4. My ID card and Household Register(我的身份证和居民户口簿原件) 5. My parents’ Household Registers and copies(父母的居民户口簿原件及复印件各一份) 6. Certificate of one child and one copy (独生子女证及复印件一份)---不需要