今天我的好朋友SP不幸被发疯的成都VO拒掉了,我要对她说,别灰心,一切都会好的! 以此非典型签经敬给TAISHA. 北京,6月17日 高中毕业签本科
早上8:40到使馆,发现好象带的东西太多了… 几分钟以后叫号就进去了,什么感觉都没有. 刚进大厅就听到有人大声喊,’I WANT TO EXPLAIN!’ 扑哧笑出声来 :P 然后排队就感觉像排队买东西一样一点都不紧张了,现在想想还应该感谢那位声音洪亮的老兄.我这队巨慢,前面探亲商务的有问题一直争吵我交表就用了很久. 然后拿到浅绿色第一个牌子就开始漫长的排队. 进大厅三小时之后,9号窗的帅哥痛苦的拒掉了一个留学两对商务和一队探亲,终于轮到我了.
VO: Good morning! Verden: Good morning,sir! (都快中午了还morning哪… ) VO: how are you? Verden: fine J 递卡片 VO: So, you are going to ? (挑衅,看着I-20还问) Verden: Mxxx College VO: (假装眼前一亮``) Good,so? Verden: huh? VO: Good, so why do you wanna go to the US? WHY NOT HERE IN CHINA?? Verden: #记不清了# 说了两句LIBERAL ARTS的好处就被打断 ^ 敲电脑~~ 敲啊敲 VO:看I-20.突然看到我的袋子里露出GYLC的字样,问what’s that you brought me?(FT,本来那个在最底下的,结果放倒了露出来了) Verden: Global Young Leaders Conference. 递过去 ^ 乱翻. VO: interesting. What do you… (问过了)What is your plan after graduation? Verden: (其实我也不知道) I am very interested in international studies. (递进学校的SL,上面写了专业) I want to find positions like international coordinator in some organization or institution. I believe very few people in China share the same experience with me, say, the liberal arts education in the States and Europe, language proficiency in several languages…(忘了说COME BACK,faint) ^打断! 指I-20:You have to pay for your education. #狂FAINT. 就那么一点也纠缠啊…. 递进去学校的FINANCIAL AID POLICY,100% need-based financial aid清楚的很. 解释了一遍~ ^ 摇头 VO: no,most of that, you got about 90%. Verden: that is calculated by the college, the family contribution is reasonable for me to afford and even if I don’t have a penny, my college would cover all the need. VO: (摇头,似乎不相信) that’s a great college, but you have to pay. Give me your parents’ income certificate if you have one. #愤怒, 递进去房产估价,工资证明和存款,还有相关文件. VO:一概不看,盯着工资: that is part of your father’s income. #… 不就应该是/PART/么? 愤怒! 工资证明是换成美圆的,看起来也不是很少啊? FT 记不得说了什么了,大概就是福利待遇社会地位的问题,还递进去爹爹的护照 VO: (终于不皱眉了) Why don’t you apply to universities here in China?(还要问几遍啊,FT) Verden: First, the liberal arts education is unique in the world and I’m especially appealed to the atmosphere that Mxxx college provides me. (一想,反正他也懒得听,就不多说了) Second, international studies major is interdisciplinary studies, that’s not at all available here in China. 懒的多说,瞪他. ^点头~ 敲电脑,敲啊敲 敲啊敲. #我收拾东西,没表情~ ^ 猛扭头 VO: where did you learn English? Verden: at school. #行了,放心了 VO: your English is very good. Verden: Thank you. ^ 摇头,好象不情愿一样. 敲~ 眼睛瞟向蓝条. (蓝!)
卡… 时间3分钟
6月17号过了不少探亲和商务,学生模样的也有20个左右.当然,还是被拒的多…SIGH 感觉北京的形势还是不错,口语好的都能过. 签证官还是有些找茬的,我自己超常发挥说的极快(愤怒啊)也许起了一定作用. 可惜我回家的路上才反应过来,他并没有看我的成绩,TOEFL,SAT,TSE,GRE都白排序了,呵呵. 也没怎么看DS表,更不要说OFFER,和其他的任何证明. 四个文件袋放在那里他看到了吧,呵呵。
TIP: 回答简洁就好了. 有信心!