_______ 窗口1--6 | 2号 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | 小 | _______________ _______ | 黑屋 | |(档板) | 3号 | ~~~~~~~ | | 小 | | 黑屋 | _______ ~~~~~~~ | 1号 | seat........... | 小 | ............... | 黑屋 | ............... ~~~~~~~ ...........seat
注:1-3号窗:交材料,交钱 4-6号窗:1 vo/window 1,2,3号小黑屋:1 vo/room
偶交材料的时候还有一小插曲,那个mm,不pp,但是特串,硬是不肯收偶的checking list,偶分特,结果到了交钱的时候换了一ppmm,偶马上抡起流利的鸟语,比mm不咸不淡的要正统不少,“唔该你可唔可以帮我将呢张checking list交埋上去比vo呢,我唸咁样可能佢会方便少少”,“其实这不是必要的,不过如果你坚持,我帮你交上去也一样”,pp的讲话就是不同,嘻嘻。
上来就e文,没有选择: vo: good morning (smile) me: good morning, madam (smile) vo: what will you do in the uk? Me: to study for my master’s degree (偶就知道她第一句10有89问这个,西西) Vo: what major? Me: financial economics Vo: what’s your qualifications in china? Me: I got double bachelor’s degrees in my 4-year-study. vo抬头看了一下偶,好象很开心的说:u r the second one with double degree today. Me: oh really? Hehe Vo: yes,低下头继续看材料 Me继续:My first degree is bachelor of economics in finance, and my second degree is bachelor of science in computer science. Vo: Gosh…. When did you graduate? Me: about 3 weeks ago. Vo: congratulations! Me: thank you! Vo: who will pay for your study? Me: my parents. Vo: your parents’ income? Me: my father xxxx, my mom xxxxx. 然后问了一个令偶很分特的问题,偶可是gg哦。。。。 Vo: will you marry next year? Me: what? married? (偶大笑) Vo: you seem very surprised? (vo也笑了) Me: of course surprised! I wont marry so soon. I am young! I am still young! Hehe Vo: //smile Vo: what will you do after you graduate? Me: come back to china and get a good job in a financial institution.(早有准备,咔咔) Vo: pls collect your documents. Me: I got the visa? Vo: yes, you got your visa. Pls come at 2:30 pm to get your passport. And wish you successful in the future. Me: Thank you! Have a nice day! Vo: xxxxxxxxxxxxx(偶已经懒的听她讲什么啦,哈哈)
别看似乎很长的对话,其实也就1分多钟的时间!没问偶资金问题(偶是一笔过的,不过比较久,差不多3年),甚至连课程问题也没问(偶已经把course outline带在身边,打算随时递上去,ft!)可能广州的vo比较nice吧,看下午拿签证的态势偶觉着签过率应该有70-80%!还有,偶下午拿到visa的时候还大大ft了一把,偶9月才开学,no pre-sessional course.可vo给的居然是即时生效:07/18/03—02/28/05!!!!也就是一年的master给了足足1年又7个月!!!!哇靠,这不明摆着引诱偶留在英国找工作嘛。偶爸爸和gf更令偶ft:居然异口同声说那英国阿姨看上偶了!
最后还是俗一把:谢谢爸爸妈妈,谢谢gf,谢谢所有帮助过偶的人,紫霞的xdjm们(飞鱼mm, ylgirl,波西……..),ge里偶的boss,同事们(这个internship对偶的帮助实在太大了!),还有岭院的师兄师姐们!
最后附上偶的checking list: CHECKING LIST
1、 One IM2A/IM2S form and two passport-sized photos: original copies 签证申请表、两张照片 2、 Passport and ID card (new version and old version): original copies and photocopies护照、身份证 3、 Offer letter from the University of Nottingham: original copy and photocopy硕士研究生录取通知书――诺丁汉大学 4、 Pamphlet of The University Fee 2003-2004 from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the University of Nottingham: original copy and photocopy学费与生活费清单 5、 Original official transcript, graduation certificate, degree certificates and their official copies enclosed in official sealed envelope官方成绩单、毕业证书、学位证书――中山大学 6、 TOEFL/GRE results and CET-6/CET-4 certificate: original copies and photocopies托福成绩单、GRE成绩单、大学英语6级证书、大学英语4级证书 7、 Personal Resume个人简历 8、 Deposit receipt and fixed savings bankbook: original copies and photocopies定期存单、定期一本通存折 9、 Two personal certificates of deposit: original copies存款证明 10、Letter of supporting from my parents: original copy and translation父母的财务担保信 11、Photocopies of my parents’ ID cards父母身份证复印件 12、Household Register: original copy and photocopy户口簿 13、Certificate of the relation between my parents and me: original copy亲属关系公证 14、Working and Income Certificates of my parents: original copies and translations父母工作及收入证明 15、Certificate of House Property: original copy and photocopy房地产权证 16、Printed contact e-mails between the staff at the University of Nottingham and me与校方联系的电子邮件