打开9号门,进去,傻眼,一个人都没有,放下包,坐下,等一分钟,男翻译进来。 Me: 早上好。 T: 嗯。等一会儿签证官。 等了又至少一分钟,稍微有点发福的白玫瑰进来,坐下。 Me: Good morning, ……(没说完) V: Chinese or English T: 中文?英文? Me: English, plz V: English, good! (除了96年时的大学英语四六级,我没参加过雅思、托或G考试) V: so you will go to the University of XXXXX Me: Yes V: why go to the University? Me: I will visit the school of the built environment as a postdoctoral visitor. It’s well known for its research on HVAC, that is heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and renewable energy. V: what will you do there? Me: the main purpose is to conduct research on HVAC or renewable energy. And I will learn more advanced skills and knowledge. After that I will come back. V: what will you do to help your living expenses there Me: the school will make an allowance of xxxx pounds. And myself have saved xxxx yuan. That’s totally xxxx pounds. V: how long will you be there Me: six months V: is there any connection between the school and your group? Me: Myself contacted the head of the school in last November and said that I hoped to visit the school. The prof. is satisfied with my research. V沉默一会: wait for a moment。 Me: yes V起身,出去. T: 请等一会。 一分钟后,V回来. V: you plan to arrive there on 28th AUG? Me: yes 考试在表上写,翻译在一边看,然后拿出一张A4,开始写,签证官签名。 V: your visa will be valid from 28th AUG. Me: yeah 签证官转身就走了,我冲着背影: thank you. T: 你的签证28号开始生效。 Me: 谢谢。 前后总共6、7分钟。出来冲大厅里等候的人们做了一个胜利的手势,祝大家都好运,下午领护照时的人特多,看来形式很不错。
本人提交的材料包括: Passport Photos IM2A Invitation letter (含资助情况) Supporting letter from PhD supervisor (欢迎回来工作) Visit & Research Plan(包括qualifications, why apply visa, what I will do there, duration and fund, future plan, 就一张A4) CV PhD and BE certificates and graduation diplomas CET4 and CET6 派出所户籍证明,