但如果您过去的投保不够覆盖全部费用,您必须在荷兰买保险。一般的国际学生险覆盖面较广。诸如:医疗急救,特别损失,意外事件损失,法律支援和行李遗失等。 在缴清保险费用后,每个学生都会收到保险公司寄来的保险卡和保险申请单。
如果需要申请补偿,申请学生必须填写完申请单,说明事情和事由, 随信附上医疗的付款单或相应文件。 如果一切无误,不久后,保险公司将会就你的申请数额转入你的银行账户中。
In the Netherlands you are not automatically insured against medical costs. Students must make sure that they have adequate coverage. Foreign students who are privately insured in their own country should carry with them a statement (in English) describing their insurance. If you do not already have insurance that will cover you fully against medical expenses and liability while you are in the Netherlands, you will have to take out a policy. The student dean at your chosen institution can provide you with more information.