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  Amherst College Mass

  Bates College Maine

  Boston College Mass.

  Bowdoin College Maine

  Brown University RI

  Bryn Mawr College PA

  California Institute of Technology CA

  Claremont McKenna College CA

  College of William and Mary VA

  Columbia College NY

  Columbia University NY

  Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art NY

  Cornell College Iowa

  Cornell University NY

  Dartmouth College NH

  Davidson College NC

  Duke University NC

  Georgetown University DC

  Harvard University Mass.

  Harvey Mudd College CA

  Haverford College PA

  The Johns Hopkins University MD

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mass.

  Middlebury College VT

  Northwestern University IL

  Pomona College CA

  Princeton University NJ

  Rice University TX

  Stanford University CA

  Swarthmore College PA

  Tufts University Mass.

  United States Air Force Academy CO

  United States Military Academy NY

  United States Naval Academy MD

  University of Chicago IL

  University of Notre Dame IN

  University of Pennsylvania

  University of Virginia

  Wake Forest University NC

  Washington & Lee University VA

  Wellesley College Mass.

  Wesleyan University CT

  Williams College Mass.

  Yale University CT



  此类院校招收各科平均成绩在B或B+的学生,在班级中排名前20- 35名的高中生也有望进入。新生SAT I测试的分数一般要达到575- 625分,ACT为27- 28。此类院校只接受1/3-1/2的申请者。

  对于某些热门专业,你需要有A+成绩方可从候选名单中脱颖而出。此类院校对新生的SAT I测试要求要达到615分或更高,ACT也要28分以上。招生率低于1/4。

  Bard College NY

  Boston University Mass.

  Brandeis University Mass.

  Brigham Young University Utah

  Bucknell University PA

  Carleton College Minn.

  + Carnegie Mellon University PA

  Case Western Reserve University Ohio

  Colby College Maine

  Colgate University NY

  College of the Holy Cross Mass.

  Colorado College

  + Colorado School of Mines

  Drew University NJ

  Emory University GA

  Franklin and Marshall College PA

  George Washington University DC

  + Georgia Institute of Technology

  Gettysburg College PA

  GMI Engineering & Management Institute MI

  + Grinnell College Iowa

  Grove City College PA

  Hamilton College NY

  James Madison University VA

  Kalamazoo College MI

  + Kenyon College Ohio

  Lafayette College PA

  + Lawrence University Minn.

  Lehigh University PA

  Macalester College Minn.

  Mary Washington College VA

  + Oberlin College Ohio

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