section1不难(几个数字注意听只有一变) 1.选择题:问男孩在图书馆的底层看到什么?答案应是:c.录像 2.选择题:问为什么男孩要坐在最后一排? 答案应是:b.hear clearly(不确定) 选项有:a.see clearly,c.low pay 填表: 3.地点:48 north avenue 4.postcode:ws62yh 5.number:忘了**755*** 6.<4>tickets 7.吃的:coffee sandwich(我居然拼错了,该死!) 8.钱10.50pounds 9.(money好像是给出的吧,我忘了)填pounds includes这个吧? 10.senior/students discount:50%
section 2: 介绍假期的业余工作(也是表格题3钟工作) job advantage disadvantage recommendation ? 11.travelling 给 12.get good shoes office work 给 13.wearing formal cloth 14.choose a<large office> air condition15.good pay 给 16.live nearby 17.where peter get the information to work at zoo? 选:c.student in job center 其他选项a.from ?(忘了)b.computer 18.what did peter think about his work? 选:b.challenging 其他选项a.interesting c.unusual 19.what made peter feel interesting? 选: c.care for animal 其他选项b: work with children 20.what will peter do next term? 选b.work at zoo 选a. won't take any job c.work at other place
section 3:关于两个学生讨论一次会议安排的对话。 21.what is the topic of the talk? 答案是:book on forbes(大概吧) 22.agree on what way of publish?答案是:advertising idea/handing out leaflet 23.how 联系顾客? 答案是:by e-mail 24.who shall make a speech before the talk? 答案是:a sales director 填空题:讯问宾馆的订房电话。(表格形势) 25.time:<5> to <6.30pm> thursday(大家在此不用疑问了,肯定有这答案就是pm活am不确定,因为当时没看到后面已给出的thursday,记了个thu把早上还是下午漏听了,但想象鬼子那里像我们起的呢么早,所以还是写了下午,因为我又各老外朋友有喝下午茶的习惯,所以~~~~~) 26.number of seats:<40>in rows hotel position service --- -- -- -- 27.central avenue --- -- -- 28.free for <hunting> 29.pianist(也是这么读的但也不像呀) 30.<dinners> discount
section 4(难,简直心痛10道题一口气,担当中有个停顿让你知道再另一页) 填空:(分几大点) 第一点:travel africa 和另一个地方 in 31. <april > 第二点:painting --- 32. <footprints> tracing 第三点:神秘的地方,why什么什么的animal33.<very magic> 神秘的----给 34.some animals are like <human> 35.control animals by<cutting them food> 翻页了 36.see a sight <in a distence> 37.do not camp on the sites when you are alone because you will disturb that <culture> 38.undiscovered materials would probably be damaged if you <make fire> 39.avoid <touching rocks> 40.intact 以上部分机井来自yitouzhu(晕~则么角这个名字?)的补充 还不错吧??我很自豪了!!!多给我一点鼓励,大家在完善一下,就都全了! 以下来自lx-angel 36是control animal by (cutting them food) 后面我记得还有avoid (touching rocks)还有一个是moving it吧 很感谢mirader 第36题应该是see a sight in a distance number of seats : _______ , in rows. 还有hanif和yanking的积极补充!!!!和icebaby的支持!
在我升两颗星前,送烤鸭们的礼物![分享] 以上两个pie图我是做好了就是粘贴不过来,真是伤心!!!还花了我真么多时间~555~ 只能口述了!以下借用两个笑脸坐pie图!(我真聪明,哈哈~)
part-time and full-time →part-time 8% full-time 92% →part-time48%full-time52% male female 以上数据精确到各位数!小数点忽略不记(我记不清了)
↑ total work hours between male and female │ │ ┌┐ │ ││┓ │ ┏┓ ││┃ │ ┃┃ ││┃ ┌┐ │ ┏┓ ┌┐┃ ││┃ ││┓ │ ┌┐┃ ││┃ ││┃ ││┃ │ ┏┓ ││┃ ││┃ ││┃ ││┃ │ ┌┐┃ ││┃ ││┃ ││┃ ││┃ └──────────────────────────→hours under 5 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45
──male ━━female 我纵轴上的数据记不清了,请大家也帮着我回忆一下下!