Contrary to people's belief, international tourism does not promote understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree?
Every year, hundreds of millions of people move around to see a different part of the world. It is natural to assume that tourists who have seen other countries have a better knowledge of the people. That assumption also leads to the conclusion that international tourism promotes understanding between nations. How true is this? Let us examine what tourists do in a different country. First, before going abroad, tourists are often told by their travel agents of the possible hazards which sometimes include local people. They are given example of extreme cases where victims are always the travelers. Then, when they arrive, they are immediately taken to their hotels in big coaches. They flood places where local people don't go. Their shopping, meals, entertainment all take place in secluded areas. They wear a bubble all the way. Apart from speaking to the guide and a few shop assistants, tourists rarely talk to the local people. To make it even worse, they meet pickpockets, they are ripped off by dishonest traders. Furthermore, very few local people bother to talk to them out of a genuine interest in the guests' country, people and culture. Therefore, when asked how much they know about the local people, their answer is "very little". If someone really wants to understand a different culture, he has to learn its language, stay there for at least a few month without wearing a bubble, learn how to curse and swear, bargain with a vegetable vendor and then he can say that he understands the people.(258 words) 简评: 这是一个已在西方得到广泛讨论的题目,普遍被接受的答案是旅游起不到促进民族、文化之间的交流与理解。 不同文化所推崇的东西也不同,这里有一个political correctness的问题。 要注意西方的时尚,如裘皮大衣、红木家具就不为青年人所推崇,参加旅游团也是退休的老头、老太太们的事。我们所追求的内容,如私人轿车、(旅行团式的)出国旅游在一些西方人看来有点“傻”。一些雅思考官就是这样的人。他们理应只评判我们的语言,但内容上能与他们的思想合拍岂不更好? 注意第二段中 first, then, to make it even worse, furthermore 的用法。