2003年雅思作文庖丁解“题” ——V107 关于乐宁的范文摘要的几点说明(必读): 1.所有的范文均选自海外各牛校的theses(pl. for thesis)和dissertations,并非笔者这等无“海龟”经历的“土鳖”教师所著,着眼于解题,观点收集,希望能抛砖引玉,为一些着眼于写作高分的雅思学员提供一些背景阅读; 2.无明确判分,也不想引发任何关于判分之争,但所有范文均经过笔者大学教师,在Pennsylvania State University取得文学硕士,现在University of Chicago攻读文学博士的刘女士的仔细评阅,符合西方高分作文的评判标准,适合作为引导性范读; 3.没有给出范文全文,适合有一段备考时间且认真的雅思考生群,不适合考前背范文的机会主义者; 4.建议考生在练笔后能有幸找一位在英语写作方面有一定造诣的“大师”修改;
key word(主题词): gap year abstract(范文摘要): Taking a year off between high school and college is an idea that is gaining in popularity. Spending a “gap year” involved in working, traveling, studying, volunteering, or a combination of these types of activities can be a uniquely rewarding experience. In addition, the lessons learned and skills gained in terms of independence, intellectual and emotional maturity and a generally broadened perspective often turn out to be significant and valuable assets that a student then brings to his or her college experience.