在雅思图表作文里,我们会学到一些描写走势的词语。一些最基本的比如:increase, decrease, go up, go down, climb, drop等等。因为图表题目都是一些描写数据的题材,所以写出的作文往往不够生动,下面教给大家一些词汇,可起到画龙点睛的效果。
nosedive n. 1. A very steep dive of an aircraft. 2. A sudden, swift drop or plunge:
这个词语原意是飞机从空中鼻子冲下坠落,我们可以说take a nosedive, 作为动词则是一个不及物动词。
如果某段时间的数据出现了急剧下降的趋势(a sharp decrease),我们则可以形象的说:
Stock prices took a nosedive. 股票价格急跌。 The population of Town Georgia nosedived during first half-year.
The new president’s popularity nosedived after the lost campaign.
Oz Oscar chances nosedive. (Oz 是Australia的俚语说法)