总论 |
第一阶段 (介绍) |
第二阶段 (进一步谈话和讨论) |
第三阶段 (思考和态度) |
| 做好准备和轻松面对
您必须做好准备和准时。记着带您的证件以证明您的身份。您或许会被面试官要求填写一份资料表(Curriculum Vitae 或 Resume) 填写时切记要真实和详细。面试官会根据您填写的资料问问题。 测验开始时会录音。您不用担心,录音只是用来确保面试官没有做错任何步骤。第一印象非常重要,您应尽量讲有意思和有趣的话题。发音也很重要,再有趣和有意思的话题都必须要让人容易听得懂。记着英语的表达是很着重语调和高低音。身体语言也可以帮助表达,放松自己,但也不要显得太轻松。尽量让您的身体告诉面试官您不紧张和有自信。
尽量主动和积极 答问题时千万不要只回答“Yes”或“ No”。记着这个测验的目的是让您有机会说话,您要放开怀抱说话。面试官的角色是负责引导您说话,在整个面试过程中您说话时间的比例至少要有75%至80%,您要在回答问题时表现正面的态度。考生通常都应该诚实地回答所有问题,但有一些问题,回答的时候还是应该保持比较正面。例如问您对澳洲的印象,就算您真的认为非常不堪,也不应说出口。
1)在轻松友善的态度下介绍自己; 2)用简单,准确而流利的言语提供您自己的基本资料; 3)表现给面试官知道您愿意表达自己和您有很多有趣的事要告诉他。
1)保持微笑和保持眼神接触; 2)当和面试官握手的时候,用力一点以表诚意; 3)清淅和详细地回答; 4)大方的谈及自己的事情和经验以控制场面; 5)测验前多练习,以肯定您能准确运用过去式等等的语法。
1)不要告诉面试官您很紧张,也不要眨眼太多和眼珠有太多移动; 2)握手时不要让面试官以为自己在握着一条死鱼; 3)不要让对话在短句中中止; 4)当面试官期望您进一步说明,不要随便停下; 5)有语法错误时不要害怕,应镇定地更正,但在口语考试中,流利度绝对比语法准确度重要。
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
I'm very well thank you.And you? |
Pleased to meet you.
What exactly would you like to know?
As you can see from my CV...
Perhaps I can begin by telling you about...
Recently, I've been studying at ...
Recently, I've been working at ...
I've been studying English now for (1 year)... |
The reason I'm taking the test is because ...
Would you like to know about ...?
Before that I studied at ...
Before that I worded at ...
At the moment I'm studying at ...
At the moment I'm working at ... |
Have I answered your question? |
Is there anything else you wish to know? | 第二部分(即兴演讲) 须知
1)充分利用一分钟的准备时间做好笔记,一般情况下,你必须在接到卡片十秒钟之内知道你应该讲什么,否则你的演讲就会碰到问题。 2)能流利解释,描述或说明你所讲的话题。 3)表现出你愿意讲述这个题目,就算你对它不熟悉,你也必须围绕着这个题目展开,因为你没有换卡片的机会。
1)开始讲述时,先表示自己的观点; 2)您起码要想到至少两个值得讲述的要点; 3)在正式开始讲解前,先说明您要提到的要点; 4)对不认识的题目,你可尝试猜测。用“maybe”,“perhaps”等字会比什么也不说好。
1)不要说您不懂这个题目或您从来未想过这些事情; 2)不要离题。否则你的分数会令你失望;
... the advantages and disadvantages of the use of computers. ... the banning of alcohol and tobacco advertising in the media. ... price differences between various items in your country and Australia. ... examinations at school in your country and their relevance. ... the importance of video and television in education. ... the pros and cons of living, studying or working in a foreign country. ... the causes and effects of traffic jams in major cities. ... the qualities and skills required of a good company manager.
... the recreational facilities in your city/town. ... the night-life in your city/town. ... the public transport system in your city/town. ... an interesting vacation you have taken recently. ... how a vacuum cleaner or other modern appliance works. ... your journey to this country. ... your first impressions of (your host country).
... the rules of basketball (or your favourite game or sport). ... how space travel can be of benefit in the future. ... why crime occurs in modern cities. ... the need for an international language. ... why you chose your particular field of study.
... a folk story in your culture that has significance. ... the plot of a good book you have read recently.
1)不需面试官太多提示而流利地讲出个人见解; 2)讨论时表现出足够的积极性。
Could you please rephrase that question/topic?
I'm not exactly sure what you mean ...
I'm not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps) ...
That's a rather difficult question, but (maybe) ...
I'm sorry, but I don't know much about ...
However, it might be possible that ... |
Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had.
That's an interesting question ...
Let me see. Well, I suppose that ...
Well, I think there are 2 (or 3 or more) reasons:
First, ... Second, ... Finally, ...
In my opinion there are three ways of looking at it:
First of all, ... Next, ... Then, ... |
Have I given you enough information?
Would you like me to tell you more about ...?
Is that all you'd like to know?
I'm afraid that's about as much as I know.
I think that's about it.
I can't think of anything else right now ... |