考试日期:2.26 考试地点:上海 考试版本号:05124(好象)
S1: V30020 S1,男的应聘waiter
S2: V31 S2,一个男人自述一天
S3: 学习方法的tutorial
S4:V40 S4 (讲男人健康问题)
答案回忆――(凌乱不全,见谅) section 1 1.waitor two shifts 2.a day shift 4including break 5.28th white skirt and 6.dark trousers(not supply) 7.Jacket(supply) name:8.Urwin(拼出来的),before 9.midday tomorrow she require 10.reference
section 2 11.How many children does the man have? 选C A.one child B.two chindren C.three children 12.Which one is included in the man's trouble? 不确定,选了B A.money B.staff C.technology 13.How does the man solve the problem at last? 选B A.arguing with others B.pay extra money C.promising a favor for someone 14.Who is the man's hero? 选A A.sportsman B.actor c.—— 15.Why is the man late for the lunch? 选C A.another meeting B.—— C.traffic jam 16.Who does the men meet? 选C A.—— B.arm friend C.girlfriend 17&18.The man recall this day.最得意的事情 5个选项,我记得我选了工作的乐趣和自我的成就感 19&20.What the man hope to do? 5个选项。我选了reform the right for the disable,还有个changing voting system
section 3 21.Topic: fish industry 22.Focus on: statistics and computer model 23 She is not good at note-taking) 24-28)表格: 24.increase confidence 25.Have same ideas 26.Student support service 27.Limited places 28.too general 29.read notes three times 30.Next tutorial date:25th,Jan
Section 4 一个教授分析男女寿命的差别,研究成果发现女人比男人长寿,分析具体的原因认为男人来自于社会和工作的压力stress 比女性的要大,此外忽视身体状况和不良嗜好,如饮酒也会缩短男人的寿命.考到一个百分比40%,提到政府公布的调查数据,在美国男人的寿命普遍比女人少6 岁,但在世界范围内男人的平均寿命比女人短4 岁.男人为了长寿应该采取的措施,如注意饮食不要喝太多的烟和酒,还有多做一些体育锻炼.后面提到两种药物的名称,抗生素ANTIBIOTICS 和一种叫DHT的药物,要大写. 31. How much percentage men go to the hospital in case of serious diseases? 选:B A. 30% B. 40% C. 50% 32. What kind of disease is most accepted by man? 选:A A. back pain B. sports injury C. heavy cold 33. Men died early because of ? 选:C A. weight problem B. stressful lifestyle C. ignorance of their own body 34. Worldwide, men died how many years earlier than women? A. 4 years B. 5 years C. 6 years 35.How did the life expectancy change?选择: C (图表) 36-40. 填表题:男人main disease cause和treatment。 36. diet 37.Sensible exercise 38. Antibiotics and aicd reducing drugs 39. DHT 40. 37 P
passage 1 不是很记得了,讲biofeedback,一种治疗儿童注意力不集中的方法,缺点有昂贵,耗费时间,can't cover paitent的什么的,后面有关于为什么现在没有普及这种方法的原因的选择题,我选了C,文章里说can't cover paitent的什么这点是most important的,还有三个教授与一些句子的配对
passage 2 儿童缺乏体育锻炼,好象主要是讲英国。有heading配对,不难 后面有个T/F是说其他欧洲孩子比英国的锻炼的多,选T 还有一个说到skipping,不记得了。 最后选择题,第一个问最担心的什么,我选了担心英国孩子的什么什么
文章 ABCDE(共5段)heading只要配 ABCD 四个.TFNG有4道,再加选择大概有4,5道
passage 3 有关气候和纽因特人,机经上有,有heading配对和summary,summary不难,可是配对很头疼,答案不记得了,summary大概是在文章的C,D两段。做的时候狂找后面。浪费了不少时间。最后刚好做完。 大概回忆下summary的答案。顺序混乱 有fish and sea mammals,heavily,islands,ancestors...不争气,忘了
讲的是一个关于新的theatre的问卷调查 对club members和general public做的调查。 3个表格,分别是quality of plays/programmes;information for the public about the plays;the facilities in the theatre,百分比数据。表格内容有excellent,satisfactory,poor.
people nowadays perform many tasks such as shopping and banking,even do the business transaction, without meeting people face-to-face.What is the effect to individuals and society.Give your own ideas
topic:relax how do you relax yourself. where and when. 很简单。
刚进去的时候她先问有没有手机,检查好关机后放在门外的椅子上,考试的房间很小。然后她叫你坐下,say how do you do之类的问候,问你准备好没有,开了recorder开始读考试要求,检查身份证。 第一个问题让我介绍自己,之后问是学生还是已经工作。我跟她说我是学生。然后她开始问你的国家人们一般怎么keep fit,然后又问男女keep fit的方式有什么不同。就此之类。接下来就是part 2了。
我觉得考试很重要的就是让考官感觉说,你很乐观开朗,充满自信。微笑是很重要的武器。最后走的时候,最好来句have a nice day。
wedding;traditional clothes;describe a children you know;visit a friend,what would you bring,what will you do?