2005.07.09 Task1:是3个pie charts,说的是英国几家音乐公司在1992,1997,2002三个时期不同的分享市场即music sales的变化情况,有两个公司占的比重越来越大,一个保持10%不变,一个越来越少,到2002年就消失了。 Task2:Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people think it's not government's responsibility. Discuss both sides and your opinion.
2005.07.16 Task1:Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe四个国家Area of land affected by 三个方面(畜牧,农作物,过度砍伐)的比较,是柱状图。 Task2:Many employees may work at home with the modern technology. Some people claim that it can benefit only the workers, not the employers. Do you agree or disagree?
2005.07.23 Task1:是两个曲线图:trends of population in Pacific Ocean countries & age structure;有两个line graph, 第1个是农村人口/城市人口和总人口1850---2040年变化, 第2个是15岁/15-65岁/65岁以上人口1850---2040年变化。 Task2:Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV has bad influence,should this kind of information be restricted on media?
2005.08.06 Task1:澳大利亚和法国1980和2000年的electricity production of fuel source。法国的核发电最多,而且呈增长趋势,澳大利亚的coal比较多,两个国家的天然气都有下降,其他的东西用量没有什么变化。 (注意:小作文饼图不是百分比,而是UNITS,有5个PARTS:OIL ,NATURAL GAS,COAL,HYDROELECTRIC POWER,NUCLEAR)
Task2:Many people say that we have developed into a "throw-away "culture, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To want degree do you agree with this opinion and what measures can you recommend reducing this problem?
2005.08.13 Task1:一个曲线图,一个TABLE. 澳大利亚的游客数量在2001和2002两年中每月的变化. TABLE是按游客的国籍分, 前面一栏是数量, 后面一栏是2002年的增长率. 新西兰最多, 中国最少. 但是只有中国和倒数第二的国家02年是增长了的. Task2:Scientists believe that studying the behavior of three-year-old child can see they growing up to be criminals. To what extend to the criminal is product of human nature or is possible to stop the children growing up to criminals.
2005.08.20 Task1:曲线图,关于英国从1951到2001的出生和死亡率,还有是对2001到2021的出生和死亡率预测。要注意2001-2051是预测,写的时候注意时态。 Task2:移民到另一个国家应该接受那里的文化AS THEIR OWN,还是独立成为一个少数群体。
2005.09.03 Task1:单图,曲线,横轴是1990~2010,纵轴是percentage of cinema attendance at least once a year。澳大利亚1990年到目前还有预测到2010年,各年龄层(14-24 years old,25-39 years old,40-48 years old和50+ years old)attending cinema的百分比。 Task2:Children who are brought up in families which have not amount of money are better prepared to deal with the problem of adult life than children are brought up by wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?
2005.09.10 Task1:三个小图,展示了英国的大学生人数和他们的家庭收入,以及政府对他们的资助,分别是 pie chart家庭收入8%没钱, 62%正常家庭,30%富裕家庭, bar chart人数上升1991年到2001数据,1999年最多超过2 million 1991年最少 less than 1 million, line chart 1991年到2001年快速递减后几年持平. Task2:The only way to improve the safety in the roads is to give much stricter punishment for driving offences. Agree or Disagree?
2005.09.17 Task1:两个table,一个是full-time work hours, 一个是part-time work hours,让你拿他们和欧洲标准作比较 Full-time work hours in Europe per weak in 2002 Women Men Greece Netherlands UK Europe average
Task2: Some people believe that the use of animals for experimentation purpose is cruel, others believe that it is necessary for the development of science.
2005.10.15 Task1:bar chart,给出了jakarta,shanghai 和st.paul三个城市在1990 和2000年的人口数量以及在1990年做出的2000年的人口数量预测。 Task2:In many countries, good school and medical facilities are only available in cities. To improve this kind of condition, many people argue that all of the new teachers and doctors should work in rural areas for several years. Others disagree because everyone has right to choose his own job. Discuss both of the ideas and what is your opinion?
2005.10.22 Task1:2个柱状图,一个是average number of hours people spending on watching TV from 1991-2001 in Canada.另一个是 average number of hours of TV watched by age in 2001. Task2:The speeding up in the life such as communication and travel, have negative affect on individual, national and globe, to what extent do you agree or disagree?
2005.10.29 Task1:表格,比较95年跟2002年一些家电使用情况。 Task2:Some people think that increasing business and cultural contacts have a positive influence to development, others think that it has a negative effects to national identities.
2005.11.12 Task1: 一个table题,比较澳大利亚从1987到2001的nursing workers' employment的变化。横着有employment 1987和employment 2001,数列有NURSING的各种职业,对比的是1987和2001年各种职业的从业人数,后面还有增长的百分比,最后还有TOTAL的人数和百分比的对比! Task2: Recently, global trade increase between the countries. good materials, such as some dairy goods are produced in other country, but some people think it is not good because of the long distance。
2005.11.19 Task1: 表格:2001年men and women in Sydney 不同的交通工具去上班。 Task2: Advertising encourages in quantity not in quality, to what degree you agree or not agree?
2005.11.26 Task1:一个table 题,澳洲每月花费的表格 Task2:The main purpose of libraries is to provide books, therefore they should not use limited resources and space to provide computer software, DVDs etc. Do you agree or disagree?
2005.12.03 Task1:work hours weekly in Australia in 2001,3个饼状图 一个是hours by employees 分为long hours /part time/full time,另一个是hours by owners/managers 也分为long hours ......,第3个是total workforce 就是以上两个的总结 Task2:Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants for die out , but people has been notice this problem for a long time ? Why people do little action about it? and give your suggestion how to solve this situation?
2005.12.10 Task1:bar chart, participation in sports for Australian children in outside school hours in 2003. 图是boy & girl 在不同sports项目中的%. 男生显然football最多;女生是netball最多。
Task2:Scientific research should carried out and controlled by government rather than private companies to what extent do you agree or disagree?
2005.12.17 Task1:个TABLE的 shows the information about three types of fuel used in Britian, and their expected to last. coal 25% 16350 300 years oil 43% 5000(not sure) 30year musu..(forget) 3.5% 300 200 years Task2:It is more important for building to serve it purpose than look beautiful. Architects should not worry about building as works of art.