考场:University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 时间:08/April/2006, interview: 当天下午3:20,最后一个(本来是倒数第二个,但后面那个临时被换到别的考官那儿去了) 类别:Academic candidate number: 000250 (XX,摆明了跟我过不去啊!) Version: V60129
S1: V67 s1 - an Indian girl is looking for accommodation 1. Bhatt 2. 31st March 1972 3. Nursing 4. 2 years 5. (single) bedsit ('single'是那个工作人员说的,我不知道bedsit这个词,写的'bed set',郁闷啊) 6. theatre 7. red meat 8. other mature students 9. out of town 10. shared social area
S2: V26 s2 - kindergarten 11. 24 (有干扰,先说现在有22个) 12. 8 (来得很快,第一题之后突然就出来了) 13. C. certificate of childcare (有干扰,答案出来之后又说他们都学过higher XXX什么的,但不是答案) 14. A. one week (先说了一个似乎是答案的,没听清,过了好久又说要提前一周,此题不是100%有把握) 15. C. physical activities, music & painting (答案是倒着出来的,“painting,音乐,XXXX”,阴险啊...) 16. special computer(s) (单复数不确定,我好像没写s...) 17. local pet shop 18. 250 (又有干扰,400是full的价) 19. your doctor 20. ??? (没听到)
S3: V41 s3 - new cars & old cars 的调查 21. C. accessible discussion 22. B. mainly students 23. C. between new cars and old cars 24. A. 2000 (发了2500,收回来2000,75%) 25/26. C. good steering/D. seat belts 27. environmental issue 28. fashion 29. repair fees 30. insurance (最后的几题听得有点晕)
S4: V70 s4 - a lecture of 'Night Shift Worker' 31. huge increase 32. internal clock 33. light dark 34. Unsocial Hours (有几题要注意首字母大写) 35. heart stomach 36. depression (我差点写成depressing...) 37. mental ability ...... performance (我的印象中这是2道题,但是后面几题我也都有印象,所以很可能我答案填错格了,那后面的就都错了,如果是真的就郁闷了) 38. social matters 39. family life 40. peer group (机经写错了,不是'pal')
S1: (Unknown) Australia single-* & co-education school 的比较 第1题是N选2,文章说了4个因素,要在选项中选2个(我一开始没看清题,很是迷惑了一会儿) 接着是4个matching,有3种学校+single-*,选他们的特点,我记得有一个选清一色single-*,有一个选'很少XXX' 然后是2个单选,一个教授的看法,有一题好像是他觉得single-*的好 最后是6个yes/no/ng, 对应3个人,每个人2题(标明了的),文章中也是固定的每个人有几段话,很好定位
S2: (V36 s2) Map 的发展史 heading + 简答 + 选择 简答第一题是什么technology革命前地图发展了多少年之类的问题,我没找到;第二题是问加了什么什么的,我写的city plans
S3: (V40114 s3) Climate & Inuit headings + summary, 跟我上次考s3一样,但是我居然做得比上次差远了!summary听说巨简单,但是没时间了,郁闷。。。记得有一个空是sea mammal & ?, 还有一个填descendants
Task1: 3个饼,annual spending of a paticular school in 1981, 1991, 2001 每个饼5部分:teachers' salary, other workers' salary, resources(eg. books), insurance, furniture and equipment. teachers' salary一直是最大的(有一年是45%); insurance一直是最小的2%,3%,8%; 另外的又一个先增后减,一个先减后增,还有一个忘了
Task2: In the last century, when the first man walked on the moon he said: 'That is a huge step for mankind.' but in fact the research of space travel only has made little difference to most people's lives today. to what extent do you agree or diagree? (PS: Actually, that man - American astronaut Neil Armstrong - said: 'That is one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.' :p )
Part1: personal info, work/strdy, 对English writing的看法, 最喜欢一天中的什么时候,do you think it is important that do the same thing at the same time every day?还有以后N年的plan等等 Part2: describe a positive experience in your teenage.(本来我准备了positive experience的,但那个明显是前不久发生的事,考官给我加了个'teenage'我就傻了,只好瞎编了个故事,没想到我故事最后的高潮部分还没说到他就突然叫我停了,郁闷死...) Part3: 我们国家2代人代沟的问题,现在怎么样了, etc.
Comment: 3个月的时间真的是转眼就过去了,上次考了5.5,6,7,6,就差半分,这半年就这样浪费了 昨天的考试,听力基本上还算简单(早知道这边这么考,我就熟背机经了,我只在考试前一两天粗略地过了一遍); 阅读看来还是我的弱项啊,读得太慢了……头两篇还不算太难,第三篇居然跟上次一模一样,但是…但是我居然做得连上次都不如!最后几个题都空着了,因为没时间找了……现在想着真是悔啊……………… 作文的题目也不太难,加上练阅读的时候还读了好几篇关于航空航天的文章,6分是没问题,7分还是不敢说 口语,虽然是第4次考了,但还是紧张啊,考前考后我跟考官交流都流畅无比,但他那个录音机一按下去,我就没一句是说顺了的,他问的问题又都不是我平时关注的,7分这次又玄了……最失败的是,我竟然忘了告诉他我当天过生日,失败啊失败………………