Issue 10 "Most cultures encourage individuals to sacrifice a large part of their own personalities in order to be like other people. Thus, most people are afraid to think or behave differently because they do not want to be excluded."
The speaker claims that most cultures encourage conformity at the expense of individuality, and as a result most people conform for fear of being excluded. While I find the second prong(=aspect)of this dual claim well supported overall by empirical evidence, I take exception with the first prong; aside from the cultures created by certain oppressive political regimes, no culture need "encourage" its members to conform to prevailing ways of thought and behavior; in fact, all the evidence shows that cultures attempt to do just the opposite. 精华:at the expense of … take exception with 综合前几篇,我们不难看出有两种开头: 1. 就原文要意提问,或反对或同意; 2. 就原文要意换个说法总结,一般持同意观点。
As a threshold matter, it is necessary to distinguish between conformity that an oppressive ruling state imposes on its own culture and conformity in a free democratic society. In the former case, people are not only encouraged but actually coerced into suppressing individual personality; and indeed these people are afraid to think and behave differently--but not for fear of being excluded but rather for fear of punishment and persecution by the state. The modern Communist and Fascist regimes are fitting examples. With respect to free democratic societies,it might be tempting to dismiss the speaker's dual claim out of hand. After all, true democratic states are predicated on individual freedoms---of choice, speech, expression, religion, and so forth. Ostensibly(=obviously), these freedoms serve to promote individuality, even non-conformity, in our personas, our lifestyles, and our opinions and attitudes. 精华:for fear of , be predicated on = be based on , fitting examples, with respect to =as for= in light of , impose sth. on … 或 impose on sth, in the former/latter case as a threshold matter= first of all
Yet, one look at any democratic society reveals a high degree of conformity among its members. Every society has its own bundle of values, customs, and mores which most of its members share(强烈建议把这一句背掉!!!). Admittedly, within any culture springs up various subcultures which try to distinguish themselves by their own distinct values, customs, and mores. In the U.S., for instance, African-Americans have developed a distinct dialect, known as Ebonics, and a distinct body language and attitude which affords them a strong sub-cultural identity of their own. Yet, the undeniable fact is that humans, given the actual freedom to either conform or not conform, choose to think and behave in ways similar to most people in their social group---however we define that group.
Nor is there much empirical evidence of any cultural agenda, either overt or covert, to encourage conformity in thought and behavior among the members of any culture. To(改为on) the contrary, the predominant message in most cultures is that people should cultivate their individuality. Consider, for example, the enduring and nearly ubiquitous icon of the ragged individualist, who charts his or her own course, bucks the trend, and achieves notoriety through individual creativity, imagination, invention, or entrepreneurship. Even our systems of higher education seem to encourage individualism by promoting and cultivating critical and independent thought among its students.
Yet, all the support for forging one's one unique persona, career, lifestyle, opinions, and even belief system, turns out to be hype. In the final analysis, most people choose to conform.And understandably so; after all, it is human nature to distrust, and even shun, others who are too different from us. Thus to embrace rugged individualism is to risk becoming an outcast, the natural consequence of which is to limit one's socioeconomic and career opportunities. This prospect suffices to quell our yearning to be different; thus the speaker is correct that most of us resign ourselves to conformity for fear of being left behind by our peers . Admittedly, few cultures are without rugged individualists----the exceptional artists, inventors, explorers, social reformers, and entrepreneurs who embrace their autonomy of thought and behavior, then test their limits. And paradoxically, it is the achievements of these notable non-conformists that are responsible for most cultural evolution and progress. Yet such notables are few and far between in what is otherwise a world of insecure, even fearful, cultural conformists. 前面这两段主要从反面举例(陈列事实)来说明作者所持观点,也进一步加强了主旨的阐明。而这两段是全文的亮点——充分展现了作者深厚的社会洞察力和文字功底(说来说去也就是学术著作的翻版)
To sum up, the speaker is correct that most people choose to conform rather than behave and think in ways that run contrary to their culture's norms, and that fear of being excluded lies at the heart of this choice. Yet, no culture need encourage conformity; most humans recognize that there is safety of numbers, and as a result freely choose conformity over the risks, and potential rewards, of non-conformity.有条件有原则的让步,引用“新东方”老师常说的一句:gre作文要拿高分无他,就是“既不全盘否定也不全盘同意”。
补充:我其实不想误导大家往新概念那儿想,但此篇的立意确有新概念第10课(旧版)的影子。 这篇当之无愧地应为6分! 鉴于要写出有社会深度的好文章,我觉得并不一定就非得抱着TIME, NEWSWEEK…这些老美杂志狂找例子,其实在我们周围,我们国家就天天上演着“惊心动魄”的好例子,至于如何把他们清晰地表达给ets看,那又是另一码事啦!