部分名人名字中英互译 若有补充请跟帖 Famous People in Simplified Chinese
乔叟 Chaucer 凯撒 Caesar 荷马 Homeros 柏拉图 Platon 亚里士多德 Aristoteles 培根 Bacon 莎士比亚 Shakespeare 萨克雷 Thackeray 狄更斯 Dickens 歌德 Goehte 卢梭 Loescher 巴尔扎克 Balzac 大仲马 Dumas 雨果 Hugo 乔治桑 George Sand 波德莱尔 Baudelaire 福楼拜 Flaubert 左拉 Zola 莫泊桑 Maupassant 霍夫曼 Hoffman 施托姆 Storm 海泽 Heysen 尼采 Nietz 伦茨 Lenz 弗里施 Frisch 迪伦马特 Durrenm 哈谢克 Hasek 米沃什 Milosz 西默农 Simenon 艾略特 Eliot 王尔德 Wilder 奥威尔 Orwell 格雷厄姆?格林 Graham Greene 威尔逊 Wilson 默多克 Murdoch 艾米斯 Amis 梭罗 Thoreau 狄更生 Dickinson 马克·吐温 Mark Twain 欧·亨利 O'Henry 杰克·伦敦 Jack London 庞德 Pound 奥尼尔 O'Neill 福克纳 Faulkner 海明威 Hemingway 海勒 Heller 厄普代克 Updike 罗斯 Roth 博尔赫斯 Borges 罗瓦·阿特金森 Rowan Atkinson 布里吉特·巴多特 Brigitte Bardot 迪恩·凯恩 Dean Cain 朱尔·柯恩 Joel Coen 弗朗利斯·福特·柯博拉 Francis Ford Coppola 迈克尔·克瑞奇顿 Michael Crichton 多诺斯·德尔·罗伊 Dolores Del Rio 本尼休·德·托罗 Benicio Del Toro 居里 Curie 古腾堡(Johannes, 1400-1468, 德国活版印刷发明人) 斯大林 Stalin 黑格尔 Hegel 尼采 Nietzsche 曼德拉 Mandela 毕加索 Picasso 《格尔尼卡》(Guernica) 杰克森·波拉克(Jackson Pollock)和威廉·德·库宁(Willem deKollning)美国 抽象 派画家。他们的画都是为当时的评论家而画的,是为懂得画的人而画的 文森特·凡·高(Vincent van Gogh,1853-1890) 向日葵Sun Flower 法國十九世紀巴比仲派(Barbizon)的風景晝家米勒(Jean. F. Miller, 1814-1875 Angelus (1000 Francs 500,000 Francs) 布莱德·彼特 Brad Pitt 阿基米德:Archimedes quotation: ·Eureka!!(I'v got it!) ·Give me somewhere to stand,and I will move the earth. 亚里士多德:Aristotle quotation: ·One swallow does not make a summer. ·A man is the origion of his actions.(人是人的行为的本原) ·To be conscious that we are perceiving or thinking is to be conscious of our own existence.(I think,therefore I am.) ·We make war that we may live in peace. ·All men by nature desire knowledge. ·Man is by nature a political animal. ·Law is order,and good law is good order. ·Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities. ·What is a friend?A single soul dwelling in two bodies. ·We should behave to our friends as we would wish our friends to behave to us. ·Plato is dear to me,but dearer still is truth.
阿姆斯特朗:Neil A.Armstrong quotation:That's one small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind.
btw:柏拉图should type like thislato (hehe,just a little neglect)
培根:Francis Bacon(法国熏肉?嘿嘿) quotation: ·All knowledge and wonder is an impression of pleasure in itself. ·If a man will begin with certainties,he shall end in doubts;but if he will be content to begin with doubts,he shall end in certainties. ·They are ill discoverers that think there is no land,when they can see nothing but sea. ·Men must know,that in this theater of man's life it is reserved only for God and Angels to be lookers on. ·Hope is a good breakfast,but it is a bad supper.(puzzled first,but when I apprehend the meaning,I do yielded to Bacon's imagination.) ·Houses are built to live in and not to look on;therefore let use be preferred before uniformity,except where both may be had. ·Light gains make heavy purses (薄利生大财) ·A wise man will make more oppotunities than he finds. ·Riches are for spending. ·Friendship redoubleth joys,and cutteth griefs in halves