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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-22 字体: [ ]


发信人:   bee513(我是一只烤猪)

Traditional arts civilized a nation. Do you think government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors or drama companies? What should a government do?

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Traditional arts, as essential heritage of a nature, keep pace with our ancestors and us in a friendly way by contrast with bloody and brutal events which abound in the historical museum. They in existence for centuries have been offering generations chances to enjoy civilized pleasures. However, from my point of view, it doesn't meant that we should blindly accept and maintain all traditional views of arts of our elders or even protect them with sedulous care.

Some arts that the older generation remember vividly and enjoy are nothing more than past history. Only those which have truly aesthetic value and have moved us to tears can survive until now. we are lucky because they are in number by far. But it is supposed to be a trend that some of them are disappearing far away from the modern society. So some people who are over anxious about it are appealing to our government to give subsidies to the musicians, artists, actors and theatrical companies. On my opinion, we needn't do so because anything in value can be completely protected by it own value. Just think about Mozart and his great symphonies and operas which are performed by hundreds of orchestras everyday around the world. Just take a look at Van Gogh's works, each of which are selled in price of millions of dollars at auction. Not to mention numerous contemporary respectable artists.

Furthermore, governmental subsidy is not a guarantee of a masterpiece. Carried to an extreme, those subsidies may have a bad effect on their beneficiaries. It is difficult to draw a line between necessary support and mollycoddling. And the latter is a ruin of a genius. It may be better to let it go as it should be.

If our government really wants to do something, Great efforts should be made to introduce those great traditional arts to the children. For instance, the government should sponsor the concerts and exhibitions about traditional arts as frequently as possible. Everyone will surely enjoy the arts of high quality no matter how old they are if he was offered a chance to have contract with them.
(380 words)

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