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research proposal(仅供参考)
文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-22 字体: [ ]


Keys to Writing an Effective Proposal 

Elements of the Research Proposal

Study Problem
Relevance of the Project
Literature Review
Specific Study Objectives
Research Methods

Study design 
Inclusion/exclusion criteria 
Recruitment plans 
Method of assignment to study groups 
Data collection 
variables: outcomes, predictors, confounders 
Statistical considerations 
sample size 
data analysis 
Ethical Considerations
Work Plan



Keys To Success To Writing A Good Proposal

Overall Quality of the Study
Good research question
Appropriate research design 
Rigorous and feasible methods 
Qualified research team 

Quality of the Proposal
Informative title 
Self-sufficient and convincing abstract
Clear research questions 
Scholarly and pertinent background and rationale 
Relevant previous work
Appropriate population and sample 
Appropriate measurement and intervention methods 
Quality control 
Adequate sample size 
Sound analysis plan 
Ethical issues well addressed 
Tight budget 
Realistic timetable 

Quality of the Presentation
Clear, concise, well-organized 
Helpful table of contents and subheadings 
Good schematic diagrams and tables 
Neat and free of errors 

Adapted from Hulley & Cummings 


Literature Review
A critical summary of research on a topic of interest, generally prepared to put a research problem in context or to identify gaps and weaknesses in prior studies so as to justify a new investigation. 
Keys to Success

Thorough and complete
Original research
Primary sources
Critical appraisal
Building case for new study


Study Rationale
Has the study been done before? 
Will the study benefit patients advance understanding or influence policy? 


Study Problem (Study Purpose)

Broad statement indicating the goals of the project.

What are problems related to unplanned cesarean deliveries? 

Is colonoscopy accessible to all Canadian health care consumers? 

Keys to Success



Objectives/Research Questions/Hypotheses

Identifying the research problem and developing a question to be answered are the first steps in the research process. The research question will guide the remainder of the design process. 

Research Objectives
A clear statement of the specific purposes of the study, which identifies the key study variables and their possible interrelationships and the nature of the population of interest. 

Research Question
The specific purpose stated in the form of a question.

A tentative prediction or explanation of the relationship between two or more variables. A prediction of the answer to the research question. 


The purpose of this study is to determine the major physiologic 
psychosocial and lifestyle concerns of women two weeks and eight weeks after an unplanned cesarean delivery. 

Does the administration of analgesic by nurses vs. by patients themselves affect pain intensity during the first postoperative recovery day in older adults? 

Patients residing in rural areas of Alberta are less likely than urban patients to undergo a colonoscopy within 18 months of a curative resection for colorectal cancer.


Provide reviewers with a clear picture of what you plan to accomplish. 

Show the reviewers that you have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish. 

Form the foundation for the rest of the proposal. 

Will be used to assess the adequacy/appropriateness of the study's proposed methods. 

Keys to Success

Clear and consistent.
Key concepts/constructs identified.
Includes the independent and dependent variables (if applicable).
Hypotheses clearly predict a relationship between variables.
Relevant or novel


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