我是3月25日在广州签过的。给我签证的VO是一个白人mm。我曾经被她拒签过(B2),所以当被安排在她的窗口,心里一阵发麻。我之前有几个签B1的和一个签F1的,都被拒了。虽然她非常有礼貌,也长得不错,但每当看到她微笑着把护照扔出来时,就觉得非常害怕。以下是我和她之间的对话: VO: Your husband is working in the states? ME: Yes. VO: Hong long do you intend to stay in the states? ME: Six Months. VO: So you are going to quit your job? ME: Yes. VO: Can I see your certificate of marriage? ME: Yes. (hand in the certificate) VO: Can I see the copy of your husband’s visa? ME: Yes. (hand in the visa copy) Then she began to check the record of my husband in her computer. VO: What is your husband’s status when you applied B2 last year? ME: F1. VO: What is your husband’s position? ME: Programmer Analyst. VO: How much is his salary? ME: XXXX. VO: When did you get married? ME: XXXX. VO: Can I see your pictures? ME: Yes. (hand in the pictures) VO: OK, your visa is approved. But please remember that you are not allowed to work in the states. ME: No, I will not. I just want to take care of my husband’s life. VO: Come tomorrow afternoon to get your visa. ME: Thanks very much. 总而言之,一切还算顺利,VO问的都是些常规问题。这是我第三次到使馆签证。根据我本人的经验和观察,H4确实如其他人所说的那样,是所有签证中最好签的一种,因为你不用费尽心思去解释你是没有移民倾向的。就我的感觉,你只要能证明你们婚姻的真实性,就差不多了。我准备的资料如下: * Certificate of Marriage * Original Copy of My Husband's I-797 * Letter from My Husband's Employer * Copy of Form I-129 * Copy of Form ETA 9035E * Bank Statements of Bank of America * My Husband's Pay Slips * Photocopy of my husband's passport, visa, and I-94 * Photocopy of my husband's degree certificates and transcripts * Photocopy of my husband's Social security Card, Insurance Identification card, and Credit Card * Photocopy of my husband's MSC Certificate * Photocopy of my husband's past visas * Photocopy of my husband's employment contract * Employment Contract * Certificate from my Employer * Affidavit of Support (I-134) * Degree Certificates and transcripts * Photos * Telephone Cards * Printout of confirmation e-mail for phone card purchase * Cards and Emails 由于怕被check,我准备了大量的资料,但VO只看了I-797,结婚证,我LP的签证复印件以及我们的照片。以前曾看到一位网友说由于她LP的I-134中有几栏是空着的(其实那几栏是让出生在米国的老米填的),就被check了。所以我也很紧张,因为我LP给我寄的I-134中那几栏也是空着的。我仔细看过这张表,是要求把所有的空都填上,因此我建议以后大家碰到这样的情况,就干脆划掉那一栏,或填上N/A (Not Applicable),以免后患。不过,VO也没看我LP的I-134, 所以我想这个表也是可有可无的吧。但是,我认为每个VO都有自己的一套原则。就我在网上所看到的,H4被check 多发生在北京,而F2的重灾区是在北京和广州。反正,各位准备要签证的朋友就多上上网看看别人的签经,有备无患嘛。 最后,祝天下有情人早日团聚。