发信人: 妮子(妮)
听力:V58,实际上是组合版,机经上都有 作文:V84 口语:我是7号下午5点左右进去,在我之前的那一位足有30分钟,给我造成很大的心理压力(外面的人都说这个考室是一位老太太,比较较真),但我感觉这位老太太挺和蔼,问了下列问题:THe first stage:work or student? how long have y been in the position? do y like cooking? how often? which sports is popular in y country? Men and women are the same in sports ? watching or playing? Stage two: cue card, ideal work Stage three:The most important feature of ideal work? Women and men different in choicing work? If all women would like to work? What things are women like doing? -------------- ※来源: 【社区】.