澳洲的电话是61 3 96574116 按2 按0 用英语,一般他会问你名字,用拼音并且拼给他听 生日也要告诉他。对方很好,很热情,你可以叫他重复多边如果你没听清楚。 一定要强调,你已经X周没收到fn,请他查一下,态度要诚恳哦!(我就是阿Could u help me to check it?);-) 对了我觉得一个月等待是正常的,不要着急问!
我在澳询问的时候他告诉我,材料到北京了,还有2-3周寄到你。 然后我就打到北京010 65323466,是2点55分左右。用固定电话打了3次,进去了,总机问我你要咨询什么。我说学生签证(呵呵用中文哦),然后她帮我转了过去。一个dd接的,态度不错(应该说很不错,应该加奖金)。 :-P我说我已经6周没消息了,他说正常的,还没到呢!(呵呵,一听就是幌子,他查都没查怎么就知道啦,难道他背出来了?)呵呵,这时使出必杀招,说,刚才我打到澳洲去,他们说已经到北京了!那弟弟好像有点不好意思了,声音和蔼了很多,说帮你看看,你叫什么,生日多少!然后说,哦你材料到了号码是XXXXXXX呵呵 全部就是如此拉!仅供参考!
但是如果超过6周,我觉得有必要麻烦他们一下了! 大家询问的时候不要讨巧。要实事求是!不要澳洲的电话都没打,就问北京!!! 大家应该直接问澳洲方面!自己材料到哪里了,怎么怎么久没有消息了!要询问澳洲方面!!!!
北京材料没有到,北京方面也没有办法的!! 填好下面的留言表格后提交投诉! http://www.minister.immi.gov.au/contact/index.htm
表述样板: I am a student from P.R.China.I send my PVA documents on (10th Sep). I waiting for nearly 70 days but haven't received anything, the Beijing Embassy said my documents haven't in Beijing!
It's said that more than 200 students are like me. Most of us are waiting more than 12 weeks--- according to the processing timetable http://www.austemb.org.cn/Visas.htm
I hope you can help me, because my (English program will be begin on 26th Dec.)
Thank You
扩号里可以改成你的内容! 另一: i think u should do some mending as following, I am a student from P.R.China.I send(sent) my PVA documents(student visa application) on (10th Sep). I waiting for (had waited )nearly 70 days but haven't received anything, the Beijing Embassy said my documents haven't (been accepted by)in Beijing!
It's said that more than 200 students (are of the same condition as)like me. Most of us are waiting (had waited)more than 12 weeks--- according to the processing timetable http://www.austemb.org.cn/Visas.htm
I hope you can(could) help me, because my (English program will be begin on 26th Dec.)
Thank You