Letter of Supporting **/**/20** To: British Embassy Dear Sir or Madam: I am the applicant ********’s father/mather and guarantor for his study in Britain, *****(父亲/母亲名). I have been working as the ******(职位名) in *************Co. Ltd. since **** with annual income RMB***, 000 (excluding year-end bonus) after tax. For better development in the future, my son, ******** decided to go to Britain for further study. I am willing to provide my savings RMB**0, 000 to support my son. I guarantee that my son ****** will have no economic difficulties in Britain and obey the laws and regulations. I am willing to bear all the responsibility if any problems happen. Please give kind consideration to my son *****’s visa application. Thanks a lot! I hereby to guarantee!
***** (申请人父亲/母亲) Signature: _______ 担保信 致:英国大使馆: 尊敬的签证官先生/女士: 我是申请人***的父亲/母亲兼其在英国留学的担保人,***,1996年至今工作于*****有限公司,任*****一职,年薪为人民币***万元(税后,不含年终奖金)。我儿***为了将来能有更广阔的就业前景,计划赴英国学习,我愿意提供我的积蓄**万人民币的银行存款作为他赴英国留学的费用。我保证我儿***在英国期间不会在经济方面遇到任何困难,并保证他不会触犯任何法律,若有任何问题,我愿意承担一切责任! 希望签证官对我儿**的签证申请给予善意的考虑,谢谢! 特此担保! **** 签名:________ 20**年**月**日