在开始签之前,有个老美带了一家三口进来签旅游,很快就过了,老美还真融入中国! 看见亚裔MM拿了我的材料,然后交了我的名字。上前: VO:How are you? ME:Very good, and you? VO:Fine So how do you know this university? And why you choose? Me:I got to know it from the internet, and this university has good reputation, it's Rehabilitation Psychology ranks 12 in US. VO(边点头边在写个不停):SO what is your major now? Me:Law VO:Why you change? Me:...... VO(点头)So you are a senior now? Me: yes, and i am going to get my Bachelor's degree this coming July. Would you like to see my transcript? VO:sure. .Who will pay for you study? Me:I have been honored some scholarship from the school and parent's also would like to support me. VO(点头) ME:Would you like to see the bank depoist certification? VO:Sure. 开始一直很好,此时她话锋一转,:I am afraid i can't give you the visa this.受了一堆,大概意思就是建议我在中国读硕士。我说中国现在没有我申请的这个专业。他又说:......(没听清)you have no strong ties in Chian.她不听解释,盖下章,推出材料,转过头,自己忙。 ME:thank you anyway. 十分钟,她斩断了我的前程。直到现在,我仍很郁闷……烦各位帮忙分析一下。