左等右等,大约10:30左右,6号窗口亮出90号,于是和老婆一起上。 VO: 长jfmm,Me:我 Me: Morning, Sir (ft,上来就错了,状态实在太差) VO: (神情严肃)I ask you questions first, then your wife, ok? so your wife must leave here first...... Me: (上来就要把我们分开)ok, (告诉老婆先回避一下) VO: What will you study in US? Me: I will study Computer Science in ............ VO: &%&*$&$*%&% money *%*? Me: Pardon? VO: &%&*$&$*%&% money *%*? (用手指I20) Me:(实在听不懂,只好瞎猜了)I got full financial aid from Univeristy. VO: No, the I-20 shows that you have $10,000 family funds, can you show me the deposit certificate? Me: (一上来就看出关键问题,果然厉害,递入存款证明) VO: Since you have stored a lot of money, can you show me more detailed information about the money? Me: I have worked four years and my total income is more than RMB....., my wife has worked for 3 years, and her income is more than ...... VO: How much did you earn per month? Me: My total income is more than RMB......... in four years. VO: My question is how much did you earn per month. Me: Oh, RMB 5,000 per month. VO: ok, (在DS表上注上)then do you have any more detail docs for the deposit certificate? Me: (递入我和我老婆的收入证明)........................ VO: (看一眼,迅速退回,同样的问题又问了一遍) Me: No more documents. VO: Then please tell me what speciality you will study? Me: CSCW, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, it means people can work together through connected computers. VO: (看着屏幕)then you can tell me more detail about your speciality? Me: Computer Supported Collaborative Editing. It means people can edit the same document at the same time through networks. VO: (点点头),OK。(jfmm这时居然转身到侧面抽了一张纸,感觉大事不妙)Well, I cannot give you visa today since you cannot show me more detailed documents about your deposit certificate.(递出我的所有材料和221(g)纸张)you can come here any time........ Me: ok, (垂头丧气) VO: Then please tell your wife to come here. Me: OK VO: 你们什么时候结婚的? LP: 2002年9月19日 VO: 你们什么时候认识的? LP: 2000年9月 VO: 我需要看到一张更大的存款证明(中文不太好,其实是说要看更详细的材料) LP: 你是说我们还需要更多的钱吗? VO: (知道自己解释得不行)我跟你丈夫说过了....... LP也拿回了所有的材料和221(g)纸张
10:30,号码在6号窗口闪烁,我和LP上。 Me: Nice to meet you again, Miss. VO: Then you take the more detailed documents about the deposit certificate? Me: Yeah, (开始讲述一笔笔资金的往来情况,明显jfmm没什么心思听,讲了2/3,jfmm把所有材料都推出来了) VO: ok, then can you tell me the speciality of your studay on computer science? Me: (ft,不是上次问过了吗,一时有些糊涂)Pardon? VO: (重复了一遍问题) Me: Well, (重复了一遍CSCW) VO: (拿出一本书放在我的I20上,激动啊,总算过了)*^*(*%%&^ computing ^&(%*&^(*? Me: (ft,不是准备让我们过了吗,怎么还问。而且听不懂,只觉得像个CS方面的专业术语)Pardon? VO: (重复了一遍问题) Me: (硬着头皮把Computer Supported collaborative Editing讲了一遍) VO: (点点头)&$*&@# computing, network...... %&$!@ ? Me: (好像有点明白了,问是不是和网络计算什么的有关联,明显想check我,装作迷茫的样子)No VO: Really? Me: yeah VO: (推出I20表,用手指指11窗口,说了一段话) Me: Thank you very much! LP: 谢谢!(jfmm这才第一次看了我老婆一眼,老婆郁闷死了) Me: (整理完材料)Thank you very much!