美洲(America): 亚非(Asia & Africa): 澳洲(ANZAC): 欧洲(Europe): (一)美洲(America):
驻美国使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in USA 2712 Porter St., NW, Washington,DC 20008 USA Tel. 001-202-8850731 Fax. 001-202-8850716 Email. Web. http://www.china-embassy.org/education/education.htm
驻纽约领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in New York 520 12th Ave., New York,NY 10036 USA Tel. 001-212-3307420 Fax. 001-212-3307421 Email. Web. http://www.nyconsulate.prchina.org
驻旧金山领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in San Francisco 1540 Laguna St., San Francisco,CA 94115 USA Tel. 001-415-6742956 Fax. 001-415-5634866 Email. Web. http://www.chinaconsulatesf.org
驻洛杉矶领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Los Angeles 443 Shatto Plcae, Los Angles,CA 90020 USA Tel. 001-213-8078009 Fax. 001-213-3801961 Email. Web. http://www.chinaconsulatela.org/Education_Affairs/education_affairs.html
驻休斯敦领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Houston 3417 Montrose BLVD., Houston, TX 77006 USA Tel. 001-713-5220319 Fax. 001-713-5220015 Email. Web. http://www.chinahouston.org/education.htm
驻芝加哥领馆教育组: Education Office of the Consulate General of PRC in Chicago 3322 West Peterson Ave., Chicago,IL 60659 USA Tel. 001-773-4639187 Fax. 001-773-4635163 Email. Web. http://www.chinaconsulatechicago.org/Education/Chinese/index.html
驻加拿大使馆教育处: Education Office of the Embassy of PRC in Canada 80 Cobourg St. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 8H1 Tel. 001-613-7896312 Fax. 001-613-7890262 Email. Web. http://www.chinaembassycanada.org