面谈情况: 第一次,对专业和当前工作描述的不好。我对这两个问题没有做准备,相关术语都没有表达出来,公司的catalogue竟也没带。精心准备了自认为弱项的方面,以免移民倾向。最后,vo要留我一些材料,我问她要留哪些,她又改主意不要了。自己判断,她认为我不能完成学业。
下面把I20表的内容写出来: 4。Level of education the student is pursuing or will pursue in the US: Master's
6.English proficiency: This school requires English proficiency. The student has the required English proficiency.
7.This school estimates the student's average costs for an academic term of (10) months to be: a.Tuition and fees: $15,555.00 b.Living expenses: $6,300.00 c.Expenses of depenents(0) $0.00 d.Other:Emergency Money $500.00 =====Total: $22,355.00
8.This school has information showing the following as the student's means of support,estimated for an academic term of (10) months. a.Student's personal funds: $4,775.00 b.Funds from this school: $16,780.00 c.Funds from another source $0.00 d.On-campus employment $800.00 ================= Total $22,355.00
9.Remarks: ( 8b: After 9 months of full-time study on campus, students have an internship with a University approved company. This is a required part of their graduate prograam for which they received academic credit and finacial support.
回来之后,我有一点醒悟:他否决了I20表的合法性。他有没有这个权利?他在拒签纪录上是不是这样写的。(这样写当然最好) (1)谁能帮我做三签建议 !!! (2)有哪位在伊拉克战争及非典期间被拒,非典后成功的!!!