一,长元音和双元音饱满 鬼鬼祟祟的英文就是由于鬼鬼祟祟(sneaky;lousy)的元音造成的!只要把元音发饱满(full),你的英文立刻会变得悦耳动听.那些英美流行歌手就是元音饱满的范例.<这一点偶是深有体会呀> 国际音标[I:]=美国音标[I] Nickname外号:穿针引线长"衣"音! Matching Sound中文近似音:衣服的"衣" Gesture动作:在空中做一个"穿针引线"的动作. Special Trick 特别的技巧:做疯狂勉强微笑状. Extra Note额外阐述:一个最重要的长音.一定要足够长,足够到位! 最经典的四句话:1. A:Please have a seat.(请坐) B:Thank you .(谢谢) [疯狂评论]中国人学了这么多年英语,其实连"请坐"都不会说.在美国,没有人会说"Sit down , please!"这句话听起来命令口气太浓!This sentence sounds like a military order .It is too bossy and commanding. It also sounds like you have no control over the crowd in a public speaking situation. The suggestion "Please have a seat."sounds much better. 2. A:We believe in you.(我相信你能做到,你能成功) B: I appreciate your support.(非常感谢你的支持) 3. A:Sweet dreams.(做个好梦) B:You too.(你也做个好梦) [疯狂评论]这是疯狂英语学习者独特的再见方式.一般人只会说"Bye-bye". 4. A:Why is he so happy today?(今天他为什么这么高兴) B:He dreamed a sweet dream last night.(他昨晚做了一个甜美的梦.) 国际音标[U:] Nickname外号:小圆唇长"乌"音.类似火车长鸣音"呜" A:I want to improve my poor English. B:Then you should study Crazy English. 国际音标[ei] Nickname:"嘴角咧到耳朵上"音 Matching Sound类似:中文中夸张,肉麻的"喂" 1.A:Today is a great day. B:Sure. It`s a beautiful day. 2.A:I`m sorry. I made a terrible mistake. B:That`s OK. Everyone makes mistakes. The most important thing is to learn from your mistakes. 3. A:Let`s take a break. B:That`s a good idea. I need a break. 国际音标[ai] Nickname:超级大嘴饱满"阿姨"合口双元音. 1.A:[Time] really [flies]! B:You can say that again.(我同意) 2.A:I don`t know why I`m so afraid to speak English. B:Don`t be shy,just try. 3.A:I`m very tired of this kind of life.(我非常厌倦这样的生活) B:I`m tired of my life too. 国际音标[U] Nickname:疯狂舀水合口双元音! 1.A:I want to go home. I feel so lonely. I`m so far from my home. B:Please don`t go. I know you`re lonely. But I need you here. You`re my only close friend. 国际音标[au] Nickname:鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音!类似中文的"好".如果你发不出来,就让别人掐你一下,你大叫一声,就是这个音. 特别说明:外国朋友就是通过这个音马上判断你的英语到底是在国外学的,还是在国内学的.在国内学英语的人,很少有人能地道,纯正地发出这个音! 1.A:How about going out tonight? B:Get out my house now. Just leave me alone.(马上从我的房子滚出去) 2.A:You did a great job. Everyone is so proud of you . No doubt about it. B:Cut it out. You`re flattering me.(算了吧,你过奖了.) 国际音标[Ci] Nickname:中文短"衣"合口双元音! 1.A:Enjoy your life. Don`t work too hard. B:But I enjoy my work more than anything else.(但是工作是我最喜欢做的)