九分、51的10月考生非要我写点预测出来,我苦恼之极。原因就是现在属于雅思的不可预测期,我这样预测是不负责的,以前我总说预测是把双刃剑,现在估计就只能自刎用。 原因有三: 1、 大家都知道听力的部分目前还在21-41转悠,阅读基本没用,写作更是全新题,实在看不出再具体的预测有什么好作用。 2、 听力机经,特别是21-25部分的机经,极其残缺不全。考过雅思的朋友知道,一份不全的机经就像一杯蛇蝎美人,看起来是个宝,其实容易中招。机经的作用一个需要它本身的“质量”,还有就是考生精准的记忆,达到一听就能反应的效果。所以不太建议考生看回忆不全的机经,那就是毒酒。3、 21-41的版本到底可以用多久?其实自上半年开始26-41、66-71就在全世界铺开了,且26-41是否太经用了?现在欧洲版听力3020×系列准确版本不清楚,但肯定也是21-41中,且部分和亚太版重合。21-41一共21版本,如果全部考一遍,也就是可以考21次,每个月5次,今年9-12月可以考20次,但这毕竟是美好的愿望,11号是安全的,18号我们不知道,更别谈更以后的啦。其实每过一次考试,表面上是缩小了范围,其实也同样增加了几分危险。
剩下的我就谈谈机经怎么用吧(依旧不预测),且建议基础还行的朋友就不要看机经了 也就是21-41的部分,对了,还有人问会不会考到66-71,我的看法是等到出现了再说。现在21个版本已经是个很庞大的数字了,再加上66-71,那还不如不看。 首先21-25我个人认为不会是重点,因为这是雅思改题前的题目,但因为GZ知道我们的机经在这个部分非常的薄弱,所以出现1个的可能性还是不小,但大面积的出现,几乎不会。 剩下要做的事情就是把目前考过的6次考试的考题除掉。 9月6日: 30101 Section One = V26 S1 Section Two = V27 S2 Section Three = V29 S3 Section Four = V40 S4 9月13号:30102 Section One = V35 S1 Section Two = V41 S2 Section Three = V33 S3 Section Four = V39 S4 9月20号:30103 Section One = V22 S1 Section Two = V39 S2 Section Three = V37 S3 Section Four = V29 S4 9月25号:30104新加坡 Section One = V21 S1 Section Two = V29 S2 Section Three = V39 S3 Section Four = 未知 10月4号:30105 奥克兰 Section One = V30 S1 Section Two = V34 S2 Section Three = V23 S3 Section Four = V38 S4 10月11号:30106 Section One = V27 S1 Section Two = V36 S2 Section Three = V34 S3 Section Four = V26 S4
口语新加了几个TOPIC,但主体还是那10几个。我简单的贴一下 1,Festival which is you best favorite festival? special meaning of it??what gift people send? 2,famous person influnce you most? 3,the change of relation ship between man and women? the situation in old day,and now? 4,travel city you like...what is the attractions?what you like ?if a foreigner visit you where you will go in the city? 5,movie& music the kind you like....it is about..... 6,old people how to treat them,descripe a ole person.....who impressed you most.....what is the different between youth and old people? 7,the style of clothes which kind you like best....why?and do you like shopping? 8,the change of the city and countryside ......describe a city what is you inside feeling 9,about school describe a school which style about it.......size? facilities? activities? 10,gift!!![important one] when you get it? what is it? which is best gift for children? 11,shopping time? place?why? what you like to buy? 12,describe a river or a lake[crazy question] name?where?some sport in it? 13,house or room you live where?size?style? 14,advertisement[xin新题且出现可能性很大!] you opinion on it 15,unforgetable time or experience 16,favorite way to take you holiday 17transportation[提供这道题的人表达不清,可见他考砸了] 18,the best time around a day. 19,a meanful thing you did.......