12号上午,去的有点晚,里面已经在排队交材料了,九点20叫到我——30岁左右一男的,眼睛向波斯猫一样蓝。在一张纸上不停的写东西,桌旁是我的材料复印件和一签时的材料,好像是使馆存档的,装载牛皮纸袋里,上写着我的名字和据签号,显然他已经核对过了。问题很简单,问学习计划,问回来后准备干什么,注意他要你回答具体要干的工作!只说找well-paid work是不行的,要体现出你的计划性,而且要可信。再问为什么换专业,回答因人而异,一定要有理有据。他问的有一搭没一搭,好像心不在焉的样子,边问边写。写完以后他翻了翻我的材料,要了存单看,然后就让我出去等。整个过程大约十分钟。经过40分钟的等待,终于签过。其间电话调查了父母单位,问的很细致。建议大家一定要重视电话这方面问题。
Academic details
1. The Unconditional Acceptance Letter of University
2. Certificate of Diploma
3. The academic transcript
4. Previous result of IETLS 5 (used for applied for university)
5. Resent result of IETLS 5.5
The Financial Supporting Documents
1. The financial supporting letter from my parents
2. The financial statement of my parents
3. Deposit slips and certificate
4. My father’s employment and income certificate
5. My mother’s employment and income certificate
6. Annual rental of residential holdings (include lease agreement; tax invoice and certificate of shop front and a residential holding)
Supporting Documents
1. Standby deposits and Two current bankbooks
2. Used time certificate of deposit. (1997-2001)
3. The Certificate of House Property
4. Certificate of car and tax certificate
5. The certificate of the household