美国劳动统计局(Bureau of LaborStatistics)最近的调查表明,白领阶层平均时薪为$21.85;蓝领阶层时薪$15.03;服务行业时薪$10.40。($表示美元)
内外科医师(Physicians and surgeons)-- $147,000
飞机正、副驾驶员(Aircraft pilots)-- $133,500
首席经营主管(Chief executives)-- $116,000
电气工程与电子工程师(Electrical and electronic engineers)-$112,000
律师、法官(Lawyers and judges) -- $99,800
牙医(Dentists) -- $90,000
药剂师(Pharmacists) -- $85,500
管理分析师(Management analysts) -- $84,700
计算机信息系统主管(Computer and information system managers)——$83,000
金融分析师、主管、顾问(Financial analysts, managers and advisors) -- $84,000
市场营销主管(Marketing and sales managers )-- $80,000
教育部门主管(Education administrators) -- $80,000
生产主管(Industrial production managers) -- $36,000
法警、监狱看守(Bailiffs, correctional officers and jailers) -- $36,400
制表员(Drafters) -- $36,000
建筑主管(Construction manager)-- $33,600
电工(Electricians)-- $31,900
计算机软件工程师(Computer software engineers) -- $58,900
计算机/信息系统主管(Computer/information systems managers)-- $56,400
计算机程序员(Computer programmers) -- $55,000
网络系统、数据通信系统分析师(Network systems and data communications analysts) -- $49,000
总经理/业务经理(General and operations managers)-- $48,000
数据库、网络、计算机系统管理员(Database, network and computer systems administrators) -- $48,000
卫生保健行业从业者(Healthcare practitioners) -- $66,000
经济分析师(Business analysts) -- $58,000
电气工程与电子工程师(Electrical and electronic engineers )-- $57,000
机械工程师(Mechanical engineers )-- $56,800
总经理/业务经理(General and operations managers)General and operations managers -- $54,000
计算机及信息系统主管(Computer and information systems managers)-- $50,400