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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-23 字体: [ ]



  It seems that politics,

  the art of manipulation of society and personal relations, is, as many of us believe, on the opposite side of morality, the basic humanity, credibility and motivation inside an integrated human being, inherited from tradition and culture, since a large number of politicians go outwards the boundary of morality to lies, corruption, and law-breaking. However, the apparent separation does not prevent us from linking them together in order to better understand either the one or the other.

  Too many politicians overstep the boundaries of morality through lies, corruption, and law-breaking. Yet basic humanity, inherited through tradition and culture, relies on the solid motivation and credibility of integrated human beings [I changed sentence syntax]. Apparently, then, politics, the art of the manipulation of society and personal relations, opposes morality [syntax change]. Still, this opposition need not prevent us from linking both in order to better understand each.


  Too many politicians overstep the boundaries of morality through lies, corruption, and law-breaking. Thus politics, the art of the manipulation of society and personal relations, apparently opposes morality, that basic humanity which, inherited through tradition and culture, relies on the solid motivation and credibility of integrated human beings. Still, this opposition need not prevent us from linking both in order to better understand each

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