Amber Fluid: Beer
Arvo: Afternoon
Aussie(OZ): Australian
Banana Bender: A person from Queensland
Barbie: Barbecue
Barney: An argument or a dispute
Bell: To call someone on the telephone
Bickie: A cookie
Bloke: A male
Bottler shop: Liquor store often part of a hotel
Cobber: A close friend
Coat Hanger: Term for the Sydney Harbour Bridge
Dill: A simpleton or a fool
Earbasher: Someone who talks endlessly; a bore
Fair dinkum: True genuine
Garbo: Garbage man
Goggie: An egg
G'day: Good Day!
Hard yakka: Hard work
Jumper: A sweater
Mozzie: Mosquito
Nipper: A small child
Property: A farm of ranch
Rafferty's rules : No rules at all
Ratty: Mad or deranged
Rager: Someone who likes to party
Sanger: Sandwich
Skite: To boast or to brag
Sparrow fart: Very early in the morning
Sook: A coward or a sissy
Ta: Thank you
Toot: Toilet
Tinnie/Tube: Can of beer
Tucker: To eat food. Can also mean to be tired out
Vegemite: Sometimes referred to as OZ's national food