听力,好惨.每几个自己写的有信心的哦 不过有几个还是记得 section 1有个new street, wedding photographs.ets 2: 记得应该:定金才是吧eposit,其他的也不敢误导, section 3. as far as I remembered (boy said) easy to understand is challenging (girl said) cinema clubs year one ,department 木头的section 4.好象是有plastics,processing,sharpen,polish Reading(easier than I had expected) 基本上都能解决而且能找得到的,实际也很够,只是不知道准确率
口语大汇集:!!!! 坐在那里等了一个半小时,听到了很多小道消息 我拿到的是my toy in the childhood 还有:your friends, sport star, season( what is your fave),travel(the difference between chinese and western about the tourism) education, 还有是小的问答是关于饭店吃还是家里吃啊,中国爹妈和外国的差别啊, 我是周六的最后一个都要5:30了,考官是R.K,我还和鸭友开玩笑说是不是 Ronald Keatin,她说"你对他说:you say it best, when you say nothing at all...........,然后搞不好他就不说给你8分!! 他语速很快,又有点点"伦敦郊区"口音,不过I can cope with: 他急着下班呢,明显很放松,even have a stretch.我就不停的说说说,等他喊停,好象特别快,才15多分钟而已,okay, that's all 很怕呢,煎熬着等分数,而且还有N多的事情要办 lasly , wish you all good luck. P.S : Be sure that your mobile is powered off. 我在走廊里跟着考官走到口试教室,路上有手机响了,他问是不是我的,我说关了(其实是震动) ,他竟然要我show him,还好我的眼明手快,等他看到时只是一只小狗跳来跳去了.真要感谢西门子公司手机的良好关机性能咯 Now , the only thing I can do is praying..... -------------- ※来源: 【社区】.