听力V69+阅读V65+写作V121 是我和几个朋友考完后一起回忆的考题和答案,括号<>括起来的是答案 仅作参考,不对的地方还请指正!!!转载请注明出处!!! 让我们团结起来一起shame可恶的鬼姥 这么个破考试也就值100元,居然要1250元,真宰人...
听力V69 SECTION 1 关于准备一个会议前期工作,安排,定饭店的management talk 1) 2)如何宣传<advertising idea> 3)如何通知<handing out leaflets> 4)<Sales Director> will introduce the talk 信息表格题 5)<5:00> to <6:30>, Thursday 6)<coffee> and <sandwich> 7)total people: <40>, in rows 又一个表格题 第一列,几个饭店名称 第二列,价格 第三列,包括什么特色服务 第四列,折扣信息 8)half price <dinner> 9)free for <hunting>
SECTION 2 10)人名拼写<Frobes> 11)地名<48 North Avenue> 12)邮编<WX63YH>是字母和数字的混合,不一定就是这个,记不清楚了 13)电话拼写<....553...> 前后数字记不清了,但是中间double 5念的很快 14)<PIANIST> 大写,因为表格中对应项都是大写 15)<10.50> pounds 16)book for <4> people 17)Student, Children has <50%>discount of the price
SECTION 3 P1假期打工 3 types of jobs advantage disadvantage recommendation stockchanging tiring 18)<get good shoes> office secretary air conditioning 19)<wearing formal cloths> 20)work in <large office> theme park attendant 21)<high pay> 22)<live nearby> P2 Peter假期在zoo打工 23)Peter learned about the job from where? <C> A) a friend B) on computer C) student in job center 原文说:在学校的websites上看到,然后通过friend找到job center的student了解的具体情况 24)Peter觉得这个工作有什么特点?<B> A) amusing B) challenging C)tiring 25)Peter为啥觉得这个工作好?<B> A)can learn more about environment B)work with children C)... 原文说:Peter觉得这工作特有educational的意义,因为可以help the kid to learn more about environment 26)What will Peter do next vocation A) won't work B) work for zoo C) work at another place 原文说:Peter通过这个job确定了自己career的方向,但是下个假期他不打算再做什么paid的job
SECTION 4 26)....Namibia, for <...learning>前面读的很快,我没找到空,呜呜 幸亏我丢卒保车,果断的舍弃了这个空,才保证后面的听详细了 27)<footprints> tracing 三个mysteries,第一三让你填空 28)why some tracing <repeated>? 29)why <>? SECTION 4的前半部分在左面 说完这个后有个5秒的停顿 然后再开始说关于右边的话题:一些注意事项 31)You can learn by <observing from distance>,这样可以reduce audience pressure 32)Do not camp on the sites when you are alone because you will disturb that <culture> 33)Undiscovered materials would probably be damaged if you <make fire> 34)You不应该<touching> 35)You应该leave the site <intact>
阅读V65 蝴蝶+美国早期电影+flip ship & hinge ship 都是T/F/NG和选择题,没有填空,时间比较紧
作文V121 TASK1 两个图,图1是两个pie,其中男人的那个pie,91.8% full-time 8.2% part-time 女人53.6% full-time 45.4% part-time 图2是column chart, 是total weekly hours of employment /|\ //|\ |% | ___ |50 | |___ | | || | | ___ | || | | | | | || | ___ | | | | || | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | || | | | |15 ___ |女| |男||女| |男| | | | ___ | | | || | | | |10 ___ ___ |女| | || | | || | | | ___ |5___|女 | |男|| | |男| | | | || | | | |女| |_|男||__|__ |__||__|___|__||__|__|__||__|___|__|_|__|_____\ // 5 or under 6-15 16-30 31-45 over 45 (hours/week)
Sorry,这个图画的烂了点,凑合看吧。 老大要是方便再帮俺编辑一下好了:pp
TASK2 Some people think that visitors to other countries should imitate local custom and behaviours. Ohter people disagree, they think the host country should welcome culture difference. Discuss both views and what's your opinion?