说明:本答案为网友整理所得,非官方公布的标准答案,仅供熟悉场景和题型之用,切不可背诵! 发贴:宝宝姐姐
9月13号 大陆 03102 听力部分:V35 (S1) + V41(S2) + V33 (S3) + V39 (S4) Section 1: Shelly and Jack are talking about the reason why the Jack was late in a restaurant (cafe)Shelly had waited Jack for 30 minutes. 1)~8)为单选 1)Jack 说很热要一份冷的东西来喝,原文是cold minaral water, 选a cup of cold drink, c选项有个干扰项是他问Shelly是否还要coffee 1)Why was Jack late? 原文说:the computers/(machine) didn't work in the bank 选:computer is broke down in the bank 2)Jack talked to an American tourist(man) called Henry in the bank这个人说他来自NEW YORK. 选 American 后面又提到他之后要去Europe的Germany,不要被迷惑这是一个陷阱 4)The American gave Jack一张map,拿什么地图? 选:New York Bus Routes Map, 原文:because the American tourist does not the map any more 5)磁带里说snack and drink Jack said he was hungry and ordered ? 选: food and drink 6—8)Shelly and Jack商量去哪个景区玩,是三个选择地名的题有6个旅游景点 选择选项有:Art gallery, Market, Botanical Garden,.Cathedral Park Castle等等分别用几个字母代替 A. Botanical Garden, B. Market, C. Cathedral、 D. Castle、 E. Art Gallery 哪两个地方全天开放open all day 6)E.Art Gallery and A.Botanical Garden 哪两个地方周末开而Monday不开 7) D.Cathedral 哪两个地方的entrance fee是free 8) B. Market and Botanical Garden 9)--10)两题为short answer 9)先去什么地方参观? 先去 Art gallery 10)女的在cathedral去完art gallery以后想干么在Museum时最想参观哪里去植物园看天鹅picnic(干扰)那男的到cathedra干什么? climb the tower
Section2 内容: 关于公路,铁路和轮渡的交通状况(堵塞位置,堵塞原因,受影响的地区 以及将在什么时间解决)(地名拼写、电话号码) 是关于公路,铁路和轮渡的交通状况,交通堵塞 广播中播放三种交通方式发生的堵塞,位置,堵塞原因,受影响的地区以及将在什么时间解决 题型:填表题 For cars: 11.traffic jam at Junction 6 12.between 地名to (给出了拼写,注意) 13.can be solved at 几点(好像是11:00) 或者immediately 就可以修好 14.cause are traffic lights failure and computers break down For trains: 15.express trains are not affected 16. reason: strike 这是选择题四选一(可能是填空题) 17. may end in midmorning 就可以修好; 汽车修路(midnight)恢复 For ferries: 18. high wind at English Channel (事故原因比较混乱做了很多推测又一一得到否定最后好像是因为 HIGH WIND 使得海底通道被封所以轮船……) 19. can call Sea Watch Line, 每分钟收费0.45pounds 20. can call number : 08***** (念成zero eightl... for further information)
Section 3: 一男生给女生讲完成assignment/paper的3个方面介绍了不同的学习方法 典型的表格填空题,其中很多空是说明怎么来学习的还有几本参考书的介绍 21). Topic of the assignment: Research of collecting data 22). How many words should the essay one write? 1500 words 23). Number of subjects? Choose five subjects 24). Number of words of the report? Sun report 3000-4000 words 25--26)5选2, questionnaire的2个backwards属于两个题目 27)-30).填表格题 Author Title Publish Year 27) Mehta / / / / 28)survey research 29)Survey Research London University Press / / / / 30)1988
hen second part ask you next style of paper have how many words ,maybe 3000,and(sequence may be inversely) that about table involved name, press,time ,title
Section 4: 内容:关于剪羊毛(有数字、时间) 题型:选择题,填空题 31--35选择 31) 将剪羊毛sheep shearing 与足球训练相比是因为两者都职业化. 选:energy/professional 32)剪羊毛的工作与足球相比: paying is? 选:unattractive 33)机器pleasant? 选: regular 34)因为剪羊毛的工作unsatisfactory pay,而且hard to get visa, 所以剪羊毛的高手? 选:hard to find 35--40填空题 35)(3 weeks) 36)(develop disease) 37)剪羊毛收入(1000),参加剪羊毛的人为(400) 38)招收人数100,淘汰率drop-out(25%) 39)取得certificate 的标准是: 平均(1hour)剪5 头 40)剪羊毛高手的速度是,剪一头羊用2分钟:shear (2 mins)/sheep
阅读部分:V24 (S1) +V23 (S2) +版本号待查 Section 1 第一篇面试别人的技术,gap送分题前三段就可找到,后面是选择要你找出面试技巧,要选5个大致是后面几段的每一个段落一个,最后是main idea,easy!填空很容易照着写就行了,然后是MATCHING 和排序,从11个选项中挑出5个INTERVIEW ‘S ORDER.
PASSAGE 1 是讲the basic knowledge of interview, 填空很容易照着写就行了,然后是MATCHING 和排序,从11 个选项中挑出5 个INTERVIEW 'S ORDER。
第一篇the basic knowledge of interview,先是填空,问美国的失业是因为_or_,下一个空是_and_,另一个是_and_,不难,在第一段最后部份原文就有and, or, and,填空题的答案都在前三段;然后8-12 是MATCHING 和排序,从A-L 选项中选5 个INTERVIEW 'S ORDER 面试技巧,在文章的中后部,基本上一段一个答案;最后是main idea
Section 2 关于探索太空存在生命的。
作文部分: Task 1:

分析Task1: 1)到底container中的水从何而来?看到有人写“绿色植物靠太阳能蒸发出水蒸气”这对吗?我想太阳能蒸发出土中的水蒸气都会较容易。 水蒸气只有遇冷才能成水珠,水珠落下被容器收集。 看起来简单,但是问题却很多。1、温度。2、植物,它到底有什么用。3、塑料薄膜:应该可以透光的。4、容器:如果是收集水珠汇集成水,那么就永远不可能。因为水珠很容易就被再次蒸发了,比蒸发土中或是植物中的容易太多了。
2)task1:一幅图关于在户外收集水的方法。 画上方是一个太阳,下面有一个很深的坑,坑里种着绿色植物(green plants),在植物之间有一个广口器皿(container),一块塑料布把坑蒙上,塑料布的四周用石头压住,然后再塑料布的中间防疫开石头,使塑料布中间下凹。主要意思是说,绿色植物靠太阳能蒸发出水蒸气,水蒸气向上接触到塑料布,由于重力作用,沿着石头压出的斜面集中在一点流下来落入杯中。(考试时我“水蒸气”这个词不会写,气死了!)
范文: The picture describes the procedure that how to gain water outdoors. The approach is quite effective in order to survival in an outdoor situation. Before the whole procedure, it should be prepare the following things: a container which is used to contain the water, a large piece of plastic film and some stones. Also, a small ditch which is full of green plants should be found. After preparing all the stuffs, the first step is to put the plastic film to cover the valley. At the same time, set some stones on the edge of the plastic film, which can make the film become a plane and well fixed. The next step is to lay down the last stone in the middle of the plastic film to form a lowest point. Consequently, lots of steam given out by plants’breath would be adhered on the plastic film and then gather to the lowest point. When the container accumulates some water, it can be used without any worry.(by dior) Writing Example 1(By: Tony Sun) The following diagra