V67s1 =s1 s2=??? S3=v40112s3 s4=v70s4
V67s1印度女生租房: question1、生日好像变了,有听到seven th的,也听到别的考生说27th March 1972的。 question7、机经为Theatre and badminton,今天的题目给出了and badminton,只需填Theatre
40112s3 第1到3章节的title已经给出,其中第一个title下的问题1答案听到是summary report,意思是开篇先简单介绍。 有Project Background, case study, Number of student ,Area for improvement,Size of sample. Conclusion是已给出的title
新的题目(感觉在机经哪里看过的)描述一个地方的节日,该的是旅游地,但是到了冬天旅客减少影响了经济,所以搞了一个节日吸引游客。记得的题目有: 1.演员在一个 music的节目里会穿有趣的服装 fancy(类似音) dress 有个节目在 room里表演,如果带孩子要便宜,可以购买family ticket 买票要提前book ,然后有政府资助什么的,选择有
A. 5000P,B.15000P,C.20000P,都有说道,我选了5000英镑。 有个画展什么的在什么地方开展,选择有
B. A.region, B.other country, C.the town,我选了C
口语house of flat,part 2 talk about your neighberhood: who how long you know him how often you meet him what about him part 3 邻居关系如何、会有什么问题,如果发生纠纷如何解决
]3.12 writing 回忆
G Task1
You have a child and want to send him to international kindergarten; your home is in same town with it and u books a waiting place for your child. Write a little including: why u chooses it, what u want to know about it.
Task2 employees have different jobs should have different amount of holiday time. Agree or disagree
Academic 写作部分:
The number of landline and mobile phones in 4 countries in 1999 and 2000
Task 2 是关与Education的,Education is of very importance to the development of individuals and well-being of societies. What should education consist of to ... these functions?