hmm,how sweet...
其实雅思cue card很多其他的卡片内容都可以搬到这里来,比如 a toy, a letter or a card, an electronic device, 甚至something that was made by yourself这个卡片的内容你都可以换成something that was made by a friend of mine 之后再搬到这里来。
比如要说一个礼物令人难忘,就说It was the most memorable gift I ever received.如果要说礼轻情义重,就说The price was nothing,it was the thought that counted.
如果要说它代表着朋友对你的友情,就说It represented my friend's affection for me.或者 It was a token of my friend's affection for me.
如果要说包装精致,就说It was exquisitely packaged或者My friend even had it gift-wrapped for me.
如果要说送你礼物的朋友很细心,就说It was so considerate of him/her to select such a meaningful gift for me.
如果要说直到今天你还在书桌的抽屉里珍藏着它,就说Today,I still keep it in my desk drawer,intact....