6.14 AU 总分6。5, 听力7。0 总结了班里同一天考的,平时成绩比我好的几位同学的答案, 顺序不一定准确,但答案估计能打7。5以上,仅供参考 (注:同一段录音材料在网上公布的答案不一样, 估计是鬼子把部分题目换掉了, 所以请背答案的同学小心,做题时一定要注意听啊!) <>内为答案 ,全部为填空题
section 1 =v66 (顾客丢失胶卷) 1.顾客名字,有拼写,很简单 2。住址:<Red House> 3. <Church> Road 4. 电话号码,很容易听到 5.相片内容:<wedding> 6.拍摄日期:<23 April> 7.胶卷数量,忘了 8.film number:<q***z >忘了。但容易听到 10.send customer:<refund> and 5 new films
section 2 =v32 (胸部感染的病人去看医生) 1。<chest> infection 2.He has been <cough> for 3 weeks. 3.he did not<come before then> 4.he can take some <antibiotics> 填表格 5。penicillin: <3> times a day 6. <5> days 7.when take it:<before meals> 8.<cough medicine> 9.two<spoons> a day 10.sideeffects:<sleepy>
section 3 =v70(学生讨论BIOLOGY方面的内容) 1.<share ideas> 2.you can do <much deeper research> 3.第一个research 的名字:<mountain building> 4.第二个research 的日期: <17th may> 5.第3个research 的日期: <29th may> 6.presentation time range: <30-40 minutes> 7.10-15 mins: <questions> & <discussion> 8.source: <articles from journal> 9:<(courses from) Internet> 10: <Photocopies of notes>
section 4 =v71(一个城市 未来housing问题) 1.<problems and needs> 2.<costly> 3.<innovations> 4.electricity: <solar power> 5.<30%> 6.workshops and <factories> 7.<communication technology> 8.the number and <distribution> 9.by<2021> 10.<24%>