网原创作品,转载请注明作者和出处! 答案仅供大家熟悉题型和题目内容所用,不可以作为答题的唯一依据!
712 听力 v78 的最新更新机经 就712的听力考试, 我将在下面以原有机经为标准,再加上我在现场所听到的 做一定的改动,目的仅仅是希望为7,8月剩下的考生提供一些 更为可靠的参考依据,共度难关
s1 (v67 s1 )一印度女生租房子(accommodation)的事宜 1 surname (bhatt) 2 date of birth (31st march 1972) 3 major in (nursing) 注意要大写,因为是专业的名称 4 住校几年 (2 years) 再说答案之前多次提到one year 是混淆 5 推荐的房屋类型 (bedsit) 6 个人爱好 (love the theatre) 动词是love,而非原来的enjoy 后面还提到一项,已给出 7 饮食习惯 (no red meat) 8 live with (other mature students) 9,10 为住宿要求 (out of town) (shared social area)
s2 (v70 s2) 一个professor,男的,介绍英国某大学的情况及申请 11,12 为5选2,答案集中在后面 选c,e 即含有near the london airport,have close link to local industry 的选项 13 受到application form 后会怎样 give confirmation 磁带中提到教授很忙 14 which group of people cause delay (referees) 15 教授讲笑话about 原机经为 english weather and clothes 我没听见 ### 16-20 全部为选择题,至少改了两道 其中有两个分别选 newly joined students , study by themselves 但其实真实选项的内容是原机经的意义
s3 (v69 s3) 21 what is the topic of the talk? 答案是:book on management ***记住了 不是原来的 forbes 22 agree on what way of publish?答案是:advertisement ideas 23 how 联系顾客? 答案是:by e-mail 24 who shall make a speech before the talk? 答案是: a senior director 25 coffee and sandwich 26 地点 central avenue 27 total seats (40) in rows 28 模糊了 29 meltings 30 discount on (lunches) 并不是原来的dinner 而且会面好像还有一个单词
s4 (v29 s4) 有关 aztec,一个远古民族的 31 交什么tributes (goods particularly crops) 32 when the historian realize the rapid population of aztec (200 years ago) 33 where will they cultivate besides the hillside: (wetland ) 34 where the only evidence are found in archaeology (castle)
35 two kinds of buildings other than houses they found : (storehouses and temples) 36-38 5选3 pick out three things show the aztec farmers more than simple peasants
选带有 marketing system , exchange of craft goods ,rich-coloured lottery的 即 a b f 39 something found in both noble houses and (common residences) 40 exception (precious stones