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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-05-22 字体: [ ]


Section 1
Helen and Kevin talked about the campus radio station. 男女对话,讨论学校的广播电台的事。通过商业方式来为电台寻找资金,如何提高收听率以及在电台中安排些什么节目.
1. 资金来源how to get money:  【选 A】
A. student fund
B. advertisement
C. donation
2. 会上讨论的话题what’s the topic of the conference?   【选 A】
A. how to find people to do the work / who will be in the participate
B. how much to pay them for the work
C. how to assign the work
3. 填空: 怎样来选伙伴talk about: who will be in the particulate? 【share the idea】 和【give the record】 
4. 选择:节目特色 They want their program to be? 【选 A】
A, unusual  B, various  C, local
5-6. 多项选择

pick up three items that they mentioned they would do in their program in the dialogue: 【A,E】
A. interview B. current affairs C. local music D. phone-in E. local news F. forgot  

7-8. 【Helen and Kevin】 for they would be in charge of something
9. 【early December】 Mary’s work
10. design 【time table / time planning】they should work it out 

Section 2
11. 演讲人的头衔: the title of the man : 【professor】
12. 演讲的题目:  the title of his lecture: 【Computers on Teaching】
13. 地点:  in 【a seafood restaurant】
14. Passage: lift on from 【the ground floor】
15. time for afternoon tea: 【3.05 pm】

16. ticket for the cocktail……?【选: C 】
A. at the receptionist
B. ……
C. at any time
17. the delegate fee is 【$15】 ,and the fee for the guest is 【$25】the trip on Sunday charge for 【$35】 in total
18. the restaurant is famous for ?【选: B】
A. steak   B. fish    C.barbecue
19. 餐厅名称:【Palm Sea View】
20.【答案是D】. contain all the cost

Section 3
21. Kira在哪里完成她的学业 ? 【选: A】
 A: Kira finished her course in her home country
22. 【she should write faster.】
23-24. 老师推测她比以前更familiar了: easier to 23.【approach】 and get more 24.【familiar】 with
25. something 【interest】 them
26. 学习方式: how they discuss the seminar: 【in small group】
27. 实习时间: how much full-time they work during a year :
【4 weeks 】      
28. how often?【twice per week 】
29. how did she feel ?【Confident】
30. Besides language the suggestion for new students: get to understand 【the education system/ English language system】

Section 4
Aztec['eztek] 族的考古成果补充知识墨西哥中部民族的一支,其文明程度的最高峰处于16世纪初(1521)西班牙的攻占时期,传说其民族有牺牲祭祀神灵的传统(每年一万到一万五千人)发源自狩猎聚集的部落在墨西哥北部的高地,农业十分发达
31. in what form the Aztec send their tribute:【goods particularly crops 】
32. When the historian realize the rapid population of Aztec: 【200 years ago】
33. Where will they cultivate besides the hillside: 【wetland】
34. where the only evidence are found in archaeology: 【Casemates/Capital Castle】

35. 发现了考古证据capital 除了房子外还有什么?
two kinds of buildings other than houses they found : storehouses and temples     
pick out three things show the Aztec farmers more than simple peasants
36. 【F. imported rich-colored pottery】
37. 【A. marketing system 】
38. 【B. exchange in craft goods】
39—40 填空题:
39. something found in both noble houses and 【common residence】
40. except: 【precious stones】.


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