section1 1 c(听说是个好医生) 2 a (interupt the work) 3 我选了b 原来有没有 头痛过 4 b (接受什么test) -->>>> C Computer users wear glasses 5、6有份机经上写的是the third turing/ first right 7 21a eagle -->>>> 21A Eagle 8 e11 -->>>> London E11 9 bad eyesight 10 none
section2 11 three hours 12 most of shops 13 five days(没听清楚,机经上写的) 14 non-medicine items 15 swimming pool 16 towel收费 17 one person 18 accomodation//financial problems 19 student information dest 20 information page section3 21 card catalogue 22 computer(我在后面加了个issues) 23 printed list 24 british library -->> British Library 25 photocopy of article 26 save lots time(没听到) -->>>>10 free *** 27 various department (被我写成了varied) -->>>>departmental 28 main 29 microfilm(我听到的是microphone,但是还是照机经写了) 30 cd-rom(也是机经写的) -->>>>CD room*据说* section4 31、32 忘了 -->>>> 利用河流,被岁月侵蚀 33 是什么first in hisroty 34 忘了 -->>>>设备被更新过 35 carry post 36 north 37 rubbish 38 stations(机经所写) 39 traffic -->>>> road traffic 40 cut and cover