V110:Task2 what is the reason for losing a variety of language and culture?
It is almost impossible to talk of the human civilization without mentioning the unique (significant/profound) roles played by various languages and cultures. However, partly because of the tendency of globalization, partly because of insufficient protection, languages and cultures are losing their diversity in many countries( there is a decrease in the diversity of languages and cultures in many countries.)
Among countless factors which result in this changing, there is a(the) most significant one: the globalization. As we know, compared to the past, nowadays, different languages and cultures have more chances to influence and assimilate each other along with the globalization. Consequently, prevailing languages and popular culture(s) gradually replace some minor dialects and traditional culture(s). For example, in China, it seems that McDonald's and KFC are more attractive than many Chinese snacks for teenagers. Thus, when people study foreign languages and adopt (the)popular culture, it will weaken other languages and cultures at the same time.
The second aspect relates to lack of protection on the languages and cultures which are on the verge of extinction. It is no doubt that governments are responsible to deal with the problem. Unfortunately, whenever the claim is raised, the governments of most nations argue that their limited budget should be invested on other more benefic fields, such as finance or industry. Obviously, almost people did not realize that it will be a disaster for us to see the world's diverse languages and cultures disappear one by one.
In conclusion, there are still several reasons, which lead to losing a variety of languages and cultures, but the vital ones have been represented as above. Facing(Faced with) the severed situation(?), it is high time that feasible measures should be implemented. (作者:Sun Yu)
赖老师评解: 得分:6+ 这篇作文比较抽象,学术性较强,一般学生很难准确把握。语言和文化均属于人类社会的"大件",其消亡应从大的方面去展开。比如说战争,有时整个民族都被消灭;还有,许多古老的文化是基于迷信的,接受过现代教育的新一代不再相信,以至这些文化无后继。再有,有些原始部落连文字都没有,一当对外开放,必定很容易接受现代文明,语言也随之而来。最后,我想提一点,作者没有把"同化"展开,想想看,一个大中国有56个民族,汉族占了98%的人口,其他的不被同化掉才怪。等等,这些都是非常SPECIFIC的观点,也容易展开。